Latino Holiday Fling

The Run : This blog contains from July 5th, till today. I just broke a new record for my running treadmill goals. I come home proudly running 3 miles in 21:03 minutes. I now announce today is my 1 week left in Baltimore, Maryland and I am so ready to leave and make my big move to LA, California. After I step foot in California for the first time that exact second!!! I will feel so relieved it has put so much weight on my shoulders for many years now not being sure if I can or will ever make it to California but I'm now about to do it and it will be the 29th state I've been too, and after all of that I can finally feel the pressure go away and put a huge dent in the place I have been in North American map at the age of 23. Latino Holiday : My lust life. I met someone...a Latino girl (JHU student UCLA grad, LA born, Costa Rica heritage) as a hook up around 12 at night the day after Independence day and it wasn't suppose to mean anything just two twenty some year old's...