
Showing posts from July, 2014

TPIR Trip 1: Lake Tahoe

This year I won some prizes on The Price Is  Right . One of the major things I won was a trip to Lake Tahoe Nevada/California boarder line. My hotel was literally on the state line! I also won $400 worth of golf, and a rental car which is a big part of this story. This is also the first time I have ever been on a plane. We woke up at 6 am, and got on the plane at 7:54 am. I have never been on a plane, and this was a really incredible experience for me as for I want to do world traveling my whole life but have never wanted to really do it by plane, but now I see plane's aren't bad at all and I actually really enjoyed the ride. We had a layover in Salt Lake City, Utah. That was my first time ever in UT . I got to walk around the airport a bit and see all the mountains outside. It was gorgeous. We finally arrived in Reno, Nevada which was also my first time ever in NV . We took a 1 hour shuttle to our hotel in South Lake Tahoe... I stayed at the Lake Tahoe Resort Hotel, with o...