Chicago July 4th Weekend

I took an unforgettable adventure to Chicago to celebrate fourth of July weekend, with my girlfriend and her family. This was an amazing experience for us because we drove from Baltimore to Chicago , and got to do a lot of sight seeing along the way. I was also able to visit Kentucky , a state I have never been to before . This has brought me closer to goal of reaching all 50 states by the age of 30 . I'm now at 44 states at the age of 25. Our goal was to visit somewhere different, and her brother made the offer to stay with him so we took him up on it . We decided to drive as for we had a furry creature attending the trip with us, and we figured it would be a beautiful drive so why not. Kim and I packed our bags the night before, after having a few Magic Hats and finishing up packing we called it a night at 9pm. We woke up that following morning at 3:30am, and hit the road at 4am. During the ride up there we drove through Western, Maryland while it was still dark, as the...