
Showing posts from January, 2016

Turtlenecks & Paradise

2016 has started and it has been filled with media, travel, and turtlenecks. The Year Of The Turtlenecks. New Years Eve was an exceptional way to end the year for me. The only words I can fathom to describe the absurdity of this night would be turtlenecks, farming, O'doul's. That basically was the key essentials to make that night what it was. It started off with Kim and I planning where we were going to spend the last night of 2015 together. My close compadre James was in town visiting from Vermont. He invited us to his older cousin Dan's farm, which was way out in the middle of nowhere. We were surrounded by horses, emus, and a pig named Garth Brooks. We were all sitting by the bonfire drinking and chatting away the hours. The countdown started and we were standing in the field waiting for the fireworks. It all went down with a big celebration Dan, James, Kim, and I walked in the house. Dan's nextstore neighbor (the landlard) came over informing us we somehow...