
Showing posts from August, 2016

Across America

The beginning: Kim and I decided to move to Denver, Colorado to explore nature, venture new opportunities, learn, drink, eat, live life, and finish our educations. The city of Denver has become one of the biggest cities of growth since the legalization of weed. I heard a recent statistic of over 1000 people move to Denver every month. That being said finding a 1 bedroom apartment under $1000 was one of the most difficult searches I have ever done, but we made it happen. We planned out an exciting road trip to visit 4 new states I have never been, which would bring me ultimately closer to meeting my goal of visiting all 50 states by the age of 30. We also had to pack up all of Kim's furniture and belongings in a truck taking her items across country. As for me I don't own much, all I brought was 3 book bags full of clothes, my guitar/amp, and my bicycle. We realized this trip would be filled with camping, living on gas station food diets, and seeing parts of America we have n...