
Showing posts from December, 2017

My 2017

My 2017 The year of twenty seventeen I lived in Denver, Colorado. I stayed busy with many projects and assignments that kept me motivated to continue to thrive within the passions of my life. My dreams are slowly, but surely starting to set into a reality. This year presented me lots of challenges, but I am proud to say I overcame them all and have developed into a much wiser person than I would have imagined. This year presented me with lots of traveling, music, media, and making new friends. I anticipate many incredible voyages in 2018. Top 5 highlights of 2017: My favorite picture I took this year. Taos, NM. 1. Hosting my radio show 2. Grand Canyon road trip 3. New Orleans/Florida road trip 4. Hawaii Birthday Vacation. 5. Playing shows in Baltimore, Artscape & Light City weekend January: Santa Fe, NM 1/1/17 I started my first day of the new year by packing a bag of clothes and driving to New Mexico with Kim. We made our way to Santa Fe for the evenin...