
James Richard Lane, Poetry

Rated R Vacations  1. Fake Engagement 2. Dopamine Landing 3. Micro Expressions 4. Acid In The Freezer 5. Digital Body Language Starter Pack (Released: August 10th, 2024) Fake Engagement  Makeup palette you used in the morning. You give me no warning signs of how you’re going to tease me. with your fingertips on my face and your luscious lips that you feed me. It’s theater for our minds, the words we exchange. I gave you the elevator pitch of a lifetime to make you want to run away with me. Wrote the best parts on my wrist to remember the lines that make you believe. We went to where fast lives go to slow down. Kind of a funny way to get to know each other by driving eight hours south. We made our way to an empty hotel. Filmed a dirty hot tub video where rules had to be bent— candle on a beer can, you sang happy birthday to me while making seductive eye contact with intentions in them. Nature is slow; the next night, with a campfire glow on your face, we set up a tent where I s...

2024: Club Risk, The Year Of Taking Chances

Everything is unlikely without risk My top 10 favorite moments of 2024 1. Writing for 303 Magazine and interviewing Tycho while he was driving to Burning Man to play his annual set (surreal). Thanks to 303 for helping make this happen. 2. Playing Santa Fe (New Mexico) Portalsfest / releasing my latest album "Rated R Vacations" and being interviewed / having the album premiere in full on an NPR affiliate in NM, the night before the festival. 3. Taking the clipper from Seattle to Victoria, BC, partying there, and running a half marathon back in Seattle the next day w one of my best friends. Absolutely amazing time 4. Antigua, Guatemala, the date night was far from normal, but it had its moments that made it so surreal in certain ways, especially being in a country I've never been to before.. 5. Watching Vampire Weekend perform 3x this year, particularly the set at Red Rocks CO. All 3 times I was on the guest list w a +1 and brought friends which made it that much better. Co...