James Richard Lane, Poetry

Rated R Vacations 

1. Fake Engagement
2. Dopamine Landing
3. Micro Expressions
4. Acid In The Freezer
5. Digital Body Language Starter Pack

(Released: August 10th, 2024)

Fake Engagement 

Makeup palette you used in the morning.
You give me no warning signs of how you’re going to tease me.
with your fingertips on my face and your luscious lips that you feed me.

It’s theater for our minds, the words we exchange.
I gave you the elevator pitch of a lifetime to make you want to run away with me.
Wrote the best parts on my wrist to remember the lines that make you believe.

We went to where fast lives go to slow down.
Kind of a funny way to get to know each other by driving eight hours south.
We made our way to an empty hotel.

Filmed a dirty hot tub video where rules had to be bent—
candle on a beer can, you sang happy birthday to me
while making seductive eye contact with intentions in them.

Nature is slow; the next night, with a campfire glow on your face,
we set up a tent where I see you looking at me with eager eyes.
Peeing on the helicopter pad in the great sand dunes,
take a break, shortly after we embrace.

Back to the road to get you back in my bed, with your boutique kisses sprinkled all over my neck.
“Never felt so good,” you said. I used my best tools to chisel away at your heart this weekend, threw out my inner scorecard that I was planning on keeping.

Can’t quite put your finger on which way to have people see us when we’re outside. Funny we just met, because we ended up faking our engagement for the free stay, a bottle of champagne, and the joyride.

Dopamine Landing 

Bookmark my thoughts so I remember not to miss you every day. 
Judging by previous results, I’m going to do it anyway.

Even when I plateau, but this is what life prescribes. 
You read my thoughts before I can fully process them in my mind.

And of course, my brain pauses, and my words derail from what I originally wanted to say. 
Tongue needs to speak what the mind is thinking at least once a day.

Mastering my emotions so I don’t get caught up having you lingering around in my head. 
Better be specific and tell you exactly what I want before this conversation goes dead.

Playing on emotions, hypnotized by power, I found some top-notch solutions. 
I filled our thoughts with oxygen, breathing life into our days together throughout the hours.

Climaxed at the peak, elevated heart rate when you think of me. I ran away with learning that bit—dopamine landing. I know you’re dying for a hit.

Micro Expressions 

Just when I rest my case and you wash the makeup off your face, the things we often get into aren’t even allowed. I take your vacant heart and find new ways to excite it, even if it’s just for a little while.

Blinded by our own decisions, you often hint to me that this is the cost of admission for what we call fun. No matter what, where, or when—illegal or not—this isn’t just for anyone.

Spare me the suspense of the price we’re probably going to pay; it’s girl math, you would say. It feels like we drive each other’s hearts off a cliff. With you, I take daily gambles and risks, but only because I know I can handle this.

Auditing my behavior, you make me break character when I’m trying my best to fit into a crowd. You tempt me with your casual stare, and all words between us are exiled from being said out loud.

No words—just actions of your personalized and stylistic touch that always rakes in these dangerous levels of serotonin that I want. The feeling it gives me is next to no one.

And just when this free trial ends its session, we cross eyes to see who felt what, just by reading each other’s micro expressions. Don’t bother; I’m never, ever going to learn from this lesson.

Acid In The Freezer

Like a shark grooving in the water,
Acid in the freezer is an amenity.
A lil’ cheese boy who always wanders,
Now I somehow find myself flying with you overseas.

It all started at a gallery filled with estate sale frames and finds;
We hooked up on your tarot cards, and I start to think,
I’m at least grateful that we know each other’s last names this time.

Our crazy visions—where will they take us next?
No time for lukewarm decisions; it’s probably for the best.
We have an unmistakable magic; this prescription we need filled
Outweighs all the other classics.

Even with all my tricks,
I knew it would boil down to something crazy like this.
No how-to books on this subject could make me not want this.

Seduction makes things kind of erratic;
Glad you could at least admit to creating half this madness.

And yet somehow, I still can never resist the urge not to stay,
Because you casually speak my love language every time I see you,
Which is just about every day.

Just when you turn out the lights,
We make faces out of the branches with our fingers
From your bedroom windows tree.
And you ask me, “What do you see?”

I see the year 2010—
Indie, pop sleaze, Santa Fe clothing,
Sprinkled in with a fantasy of dating you in my early twenties again.

Good interior grows with good taste;
It was almost 30 days, but I can firmly say
Just for these moments, it was worth the wait.

Digital Body Language Starter Pack 

I don’t want to give you the wrong impression when I’m a man who only lives in temporary directions, playing tug-of-war with you on this app. The winner gets just a little bit of affection.

We met up and exchanged direct eye contact. Show me what you’re working with—locked eyes told me what you wanted, which inevitably became true. Later, you told me all you wanted me to do was confiscate your big mood.

You made some type of seductive eye contact. It conveyed the message early on via your digital body language starter pack. A casual encounter of romance—us letting loose, laughing my way into excess. Knowledgeable enough to rearrange a new sphere featuring us, to feel amused.

Outcomes can always change, but I’m certain of this one. It only took me a few minutes to get in the right frame of mind. I manifested a strange desire; this melting pot I cooked up set your heart on fire.

It was a simple act; you’re a clean snack of what I’m looking for. It’s the common touch—think of the right words to say to get you back for brunch. Rest assured...

Heartthrob Collection V.2

1. Memo Of Fascination
2. Locals Banter
3. Maverick
4. Incognito Exit
5. Excessive Hair Flips

(Released October 6th, 2023)

Memo Of Fascination 

Got back home from my flight in record time. 
I intercepted your voicemail with a cozy hello instead of reaching my recorded answering line. 
Previewed a life I want and need to intertwine with. 
Left the grand view park together with far from the opposite of a mediocre kiss.

My memo of fascination inclines, and I’m here for the ride.
 I’m smiling 3D at you while you read the word “Truth” in the color orange with a lo-fi background tune that complements the gallery's art tonight.

The simplicity of being free all the time. Allegedly, it’ll only work if it costs me little to get by. 
Luckily for me, I’m a class act—such a rarity—with treasure chests filled with stories from my life and homemade souvenirs of artifacts from my favorite times.

Attended the silent disco together, but on our way, we listened to payphone radio. We shared similar visions, eliminating obsolete feedback to stay in the present and make the craziest yet funnest decisions.

Couch-surfed my way into a new place to stay. See you again next time. If not, don’t forget to mail a postcard back before this fades away.

Locals Banter 

Can’t contain my local banter; it’s hard to understand an oral history that’s pre-made. Food prepping for the CEO of someone you hope to get to know to become the future Mr. and Ms. Diamond Ring.

On the walks around the city, you subscribed to my visual language. It made your mind feel like depression glass overflowing with gallons of champagne.

Now your brain feels like it’s in mint condition; can’t peel the plastic off when on a mission to have fun that you hope to sustain.

Crossing the bridge over the ocean, that punchline hit harder, like a potion of something you knew I would want.

Temporarily became your dancing partner; we made out after the comedy hour, and you promised to finally fly back home to a fresh start.

Described as a champion inventor, culture vulture with the best manners, an exaggeration imagination that made you aroused. You lied when you said it was a false alarm but instead changed your flight a day after it was actually supposed to go out.

I’m flattered, to say the least; it’s funny, and we laughed. But it’s almost 3, and I’m about to call the fun police if you don’t leave. Don’t be upset; you’ll find an excuse. Remember this moment and just be glad you said “I do.”


Orbiting ad space on a rocket ship, selling to different markets below the solar eclipse. 
It’s the type of currency I work for as an entrepreneur.

Casually dwindling from personal to private conversations.
Add the special effects that convey my abstract imagination. 
It’s outlandish, but I still feel like we excel at life. 
We earned the nomination for figuring out a way to live without a 9-to-5.

Masquerading as if we had all the assets and answers. 
Here’s a sneak preview of how to get into the VIP lounge, even when we never checked how much it costs to enter. There’s no difference between reality and fantasy with us. We’re our genre of people that always leaves everyone else on the cusp.

You supply my head with your recycled thoughts. 
I know what I’m doing, but you provide an allegiance worth holding onto. 
Always making all my wishes come true, I’m grateful and can firmly say that’s a maverick thing to do.

Incognito Exit 

Grab our baseball caps and walk out the apartment door kinda fast—it's our morning routine. But let’s back up to when I wake up to you sleeping in my shirt again next to me.

It’s always a tease to watch you take it off and get dressed for work. Half asleep, I watch you put on the dress I took off of you last night. It’s just eight hours later, and you ask for my opinion: “Do you think it still looks presentable and alright?”

Distracting and tempting each other throughout the day—how am I supposed to get work done when we text each other like this in this honeymoon phase?

I come back to your place after just another day of seeking out my next 15 minutes of fame. Eating berries, drinking spicy electrolytes, and watching a recommended show with you is my average weekday delight. I can’t guarantee we’re perfect together, but I’m starting to ask myself if I can do this with you forever. I hope so.

That extra toothbrush you left out for me was perfectly placed to get me to look back into the mirror, specifically more at you while I brush my teeth, too. So clever, but I’m onto you and your tricks. Illustrate a picture or two, or three —I always imagine being in it.

Telling me things after we first met that I never would have expected. We walk out your apartment doors, kiss, and part ways. This is an incognito exit.

Excessive Hair Flips 

If I reduce the risk, will you leak the tape?

Like a photo bomber, I can't wait to shock the moment. By the way, you have good fashion taste. Maybe I shouldn't tell a stranger, but I love to chase. Dial me in on your party line; call, and I'll respond to your bad influence on my mind.

Excessive hair flips—there's a glossary on all the types of ways to do it. I've been assessing this situation since Sunday morning brunch: a bucket list of vibrant tactics on how to make my nomadic lifestyle less obvious.

You would think I was shot with a tranquilizer dart by my lazy bones, always lying on the floor. 
It's an amenity meeting freaks like you that can benefit me. Allow me to paraphrase: rehearsing gossip I'll probably mention in the first 60 seconds of having your attention.

Man, why do you have to be so alpha to have good dating etiquette? Altering my life for efficiency, cooperating on changing my identity. Unity is the most important thing about this psychology test you're taking on me.

A guide of natural resources on how to improve your life on a whim: diving in a hot tub of someone I barely know again. Just a rebound of a new crush, being foolish, ghoulish lust walking in and out the door we met at last night. Reality distorted that everything can come this easy all of the time.

Don't even get me started on all the artifacts from my life, dating back to when I first moved to a new territory. When I only had one possession and that was perfectly fine—before I was a hussy. And by the way, if you’re wondering anything about me, my birthstone is tanzanite.

Heartthrob Collection V.1

1. Blood Doping
2. Frequent Stranger
3. Interrogate Yourself
4. Continuity Of Success
5. Sensory Experiences

(Released November 4th, 2022)

Blood Doping 

Can I tell you a secret?
Just wanna keep it incognito for a while.
Don’t repeat this to anyone else.
Whatever you do, promise not to tell.

When the results come in, I guess you could say I lucked out again.
We kinda already knew I won the raffle tonight before they picked it.
10-4 to the captain that steered that ship.

It was never a demand, it was a command for progress.
To show you how bad I really, really want this.
I’d rather regret something I did than didn’t do.
This bus ride never gets shorter, but that’s what long distance does to you.

Can you imagine if we spilled the beans?
The cat is staying in the bag for this one, till we ever solve this puzzle.
Don’t want to sound gamey right now, but fuck—
We are the definition of trouble together.

When we’re often laying in your friends beds,
What we do could come with a cost, but
It seems we’re too sneaky for anyone to catch on.

Tying my shoes, grabbing my bag. 
Ride the bus to the bus to the train to unlock the door to the 5th floor.
Scream off the balcony, we’re a mess, but this game show we’re hosting isn’t off air yet.

I’ll see you on the rooftop again later when the sun goes down.
The humidity is almost done intensifying, and I know things are tough, but
I’m looking forward to us, and just know none of my friends or your family needs to find out.

Frequent Stranger 

Buying temperature to make the room warm when I enter. 
Inspiring emotions to live in the moment. 
Intensify charm and banter. Romantically, in a vulnerable place. 
Not seeking public attention, but our affection is quick to embrace.

You said it's so it in the way we first kissed—
compressed lips to lips. It’s a narrative you never moved past from.
Compare and contrast our love. It's the shadow of an opinion. 
Got this drift in our minds. Value opposition, what're these new ideas we come up with all the time.

I’m a frequent stranger—
Can’t tell you why.
Touch and feel and savor
Till next time.

Suddenly, it feels like we're not strangers anymore, you confessed to me the other night at 4 AM, and I asked you why. No reply, but fuck it. Redirect my call to you to be the bad influence of skipping work to go on adventures with me—too soon. Anyway, check out this new tattoo; making out in the aquarium soon. Girl with a big mood. Global nomad, third-world culture chick. Let’s dive into the cloud instead. Who did you become and when? A PhD doctor with nomadic behaviors—I’ll admit I probably over influenced.

I’m a frequent stranger—
Can’t tell you why.
Touch and feel and savor
Till next time.

Interrogate Yourself 

Changing my mood, not my mind.
Reflecting on blueprints to apply new strategies.
My brain's operating system works efficiently with a solid refresh,
When you already know the best is yet to happen.

Teach me how to be objectively the best at everything.
The maverick when it comes to getting it all in.
A visionary of influence and the team captain of freedom of choice.
Doing it all as if it’s the last thing I’ll ever do,
Interrogating myself till I take accountability for my choices, for me and you.

This part right here is for future me.
A gift I can give to myself when there's no one else.
At least I'll have something to be proud of and look back on:
Was I proactive enough? Did I demonstrate leadership?
Just take it a little easy, and try to have some fun.
I ask myself, when I look into the mirror, did you interrogate yourself?

Memento Mori
I’m going to die.

Memento Mori
I’m going to die.

Memento Mori
I’m going to die, die, die, die.

Continuity Of Success 

When I’m on the bus going north, my mind races for you.
Thinking of when we eventually embrace, I envision what trouble we’ll get into.

Recently, I’ve been feeling like we’re in an uncanny valley because so far it’s been blasé since being here.
I’m not sure where to secure the joy to rally. However, just a few days ago, I created a roadmap to happiness. This can be the blueprints to our Continuity of Success.

But, of course, it comes with a cost.

It starts with giving you flowers every time you’re pissed at me. The lady at the shop a block away from our house told me I’m her favorite customer, so I started to laugh out loud. How fucked up is this relationship we entertain? That I spend $5 every few days for a new bouquet.

But honestly, why do I do it?

Well, if this is the ingredient for us to get by in this brand-new life, then I guess I should invest in a personal florist. Perhaps a different one than the one that planted the flowers on your arms. Somebody needs to water the ones at home, right? If that’s a chore and in return I get pad Thai, then I guess count me in.

Staring through the fence on Hightower Bridge, you ask, “What is it?” Feeling the sun melt me, wondering if this is a quiz and how do I pass it. We’ve made this so tough; can’t stop thinking of us. Every time I’m gone, I feel gone. Every time I’m here, I feel here. Forever looking for new pieces for this puzzle I just can't conquer.

Sensory Experiences 

You enter my life,
You exit my life.

Pressing buttons to open sacred doors of the most vulnerable places I confine. Tantalizing to dangle a carrot in front of my eyes that’s already expired. We haven’t shopped for new produce in months because we’ve been traveling or you’ve been working. Now I feel like a gun for hire while you’re in this hot mess and I’m on the couch with the cat, working from home.

You fucking redeem me like a rewards card to your favorite coffee shop.
Take my breath away, and while you’re at it, make my heart stop.

I enter your life,
I exit your life.

I want to customize your loving heart to tailor it to do what I want it to do. The secret formula of how to get it to start melting for me inside of you. Here’s the tools and resources that I need to give you the boost of energy, baby. Let’s get to the bottom of this and solve this mystery if we can unify for a week. Honestly, who's worse when it comes to intensity, you or me?

I fucking redeem you like a rewards card to my favorite tea shop.
I’ll take your breath away, and while I'm at it, I’ll make your heart stop.

I enter your life,
You exit my life.

I’m your last patient in your room, literally your room.
Metaphorically, though, I spend my day in an abstract jungle waiting for you to get off work;
then I go to my group to run. Cooking dinner and rooftop drinks later sounds fun.

I see you on the tram, gazing at me, cracking open my mind worth a century of notes and data.
I don’t know what you expect, but this ferry ride to the beach sounds not bad to decompress at later.
You said "don’t be so quick to reject the idea of us cashing in on our new life.Things between us can be fine some of the time, right?"

You enter my life,
I exit your life.

Hookup Culture 2020 Pt 2

1. Vacation Hair
2. Validation
3. Airport Bathroom Mirror
4. Confessions Of A Serial Monogamist
5. Outer Space

(Released October 17th, 2020)

Vacation Hair

Hanging up macrame, next to the dream catcher by your dog's picture frame. 
A vintage collection of truth serum, taboo to the other girls I dated. 
Not trying to jinx this situation, but I could use a good palm reading.

Organic conversations taste like orange juice and champagne in a boutique cafe. 
This feeling feels homemade with special ingredients. 
Typically, I don't speak with this much accuracy in a chat with a stranger foreign to me, but that potion hit me harder than you would believe.

Baby, you have vacation hair, and you don't mind lounging poolside on an icy night in a gated complex. I'm just trying to get the chlorine out of my eyes. 
Walking back into your apartment, wine splash painting. 
Historically speaking, I sleep on the left side of your bed. 
However, we just met, and I'm open to change. 
What's your thoughts on my creative brain?

You always put me in the spirit with your fancy talk and sophisticated style, hot pants off. 
Trying to optimize this situation, feeling good enough—no need to pretend. 
Fire out your best imagination. Maybe see you some other time again, we’ll see.


Validate me to another world, to another galaxy. 
When we initiate eye contact from a distance, I want to make sure this feeling is responsibly correct. Reviewing you, making my evaluation in tune.

Sneaking into my head, snooping around for the good stuff.
My neurotransmitter guards were on lunch break when you came in. 
Sliding your eyes in my direction, smashing your lips into mine while my back is against the wall. 
5'7"ft almost matches me at 6'ft tall.

She sent me an invitation to come over. 
She said, "I don't see you in my reservations, but I'll put your name on the waiting list. You could be an ideal candidate to fill this position." 
Testing me to explore new methods. 
Parallel trajectories, but still adjacent to my thoughts. 
Delivering the best personality of the night—too clever for small talk.

Making it hard on you for a reason. 
Pay the price. Work me overtime to win you over. 
Stay in touch. Signed: XOXO

Airport Bathroom Mirror 

It's 4 a.m. again, but it's a different girl this time. 
It's not even her bed. It's her cousin's, but he's out of town for the weekend with his wife. 
I didn't expect this—I just wanted to get her number and go on a date. 
Let me illustrate this picture for you: tattoos on her left leg, Portland, Oregon-raised, tech chick with a beautiful face. Sounds familiar? No? How about this: she likes life with spontaneity—you wouldn't be able to tell just by one thing.

Eight hours after we went to bed, she flew south to meet with a friend. 
Sun tan lotion, the way it feels on your body while lying on the beach, texting me from another country. I'm just an anonymous stranger to you, and you likewise to me.

When you came back, we were the loudest couple in the bar. 
It looked as if we were just old friends, but secretly, I was teasing you, and you were tempting me. Pushing buttons, urging old feelings again.

Executing the nomadic parts of your life, banishing normal feelings, accelerated mind. Hard to get because you have to be powerfully innovative if you're looking to improve your quality of life.

Teasing each other out of our minds, throwing curve balls left and right. Born with a golden life, a hall of fame look while drinking a glass of wine. You're just pulling me, and I'm just fooling with you, but only for tonight.

Confessions Of A Serial Monogamist 

What's your story? Do anything fun this summer? 
Anticipating a good reply while typing in your heart's password, even though you didn't give me permission to enter. What's your astrology sign? Do you people-watch? If you ask, I'm an entrepreneur with a unique set of rules, goals, and an overall life. You can try to track my background if you like—good luck.

Choosing my words wisely, breaking world records just to impress, I saw you lock that door behind me as soon as I came in.

Is it just me, or does it feel like we have wicked chemistry for two people with nothing in common? I try to mind my own business, I rarely gossip, and I don't modify my free time often, but you seem nice, fun, and interesting. I'd like to progress what we have going on, maybe.

The expressions on your face when I jokingly tell you your personality is too animated for me—I'm no body language expert, but should I stay or run? Why? Because the look you're giving me could be either good or bad, and I kinda want to find out. Of course, I'm teasing about all of this.

My deepest secrets are previous reflections of my life before we met. I'm just a serial monogamist; I have no reason to ever confess.

Outer Space

State parks to outer space. 
A day pass to your favorite place. 
Last in the platoon, recovered by the change in your mood. 
Keep up the pace, you're almost finished with the race.

Collecting materialistic trash, objects worth thinking about for a minute, if that. 
Hazardous mindset at best, transparent relationships to address.

Ultraviolet rays reflecting on your shades, hands tied behind my back with a bandanna around my face. I'm stuck in the lower forty-eights x 7. I'm fucked in the lower forty-eights.

Hookup Culture 2020 Pt 1

1. Verbal Escalation
2. Sweet Talking
3. Proof Of Spirits
4. Accomplice
5. Kiss Me In French

(Released January 17th, 2020)

Verbal Escalation

Slowly but surely, I've been establishing residency in your bedroom. 
I took down that vacancy sign months ago. 
The services I've received here are some of the best I've ever had. 
I left a positive review in my phone's notes.

When we woke up in the morning, I made you late for work, but I did make you breakfast. 
We listened to The Daily as usual. This guilty pleasure thing has become more than just a thing. 
It's been growing, and I am still puzzled by what we are.

I could narrate your life. Mesmerized by the routine—it's simplified, but I crave it in mine. 
And when we finally go to bed, it's 4 a.m., and the conversation is just ending. 
I start thinking I can't read your mind, but I can try. 
Tapping into your psyche gives me the rush that I need. Feed the verbal escalation to me. 
Now I need to know: did I not make the cut, and did I make the team?

Sweet Talking

Making every move compelling, while I'm seducing you, you're hypnotizing me. 
Like a dirty drug, I love those dirty words. This desire has been overwhelming.

Looking for my perfect getaway, tell me if and why you're worth the investment. 
Tell me if this is authentic because I'm dying to know. 
The captain of captivation, stimulate my mind, emotions, and senses. 
It's the art of persuasion.

This deep connection we have feels like an out-of-body experience. 
Challenging me in the moment, I begin to feel delirious. 
Being with you has driven me past all cost. 
This is what I look forward to and what I want.

Psychologically appealing, galvanizing the room when you step in. 
Critiquing my lifestyle while I analyze your timeline. 
Here's a thought: I'm going to say the right words at the right time.

Sweet-talking you, love blinding too. Sweet-talking you, love blinding too.

Proof Of Spirits

Quick and easy, a vigilante you request over every other night. 
Very climactic, an easy formula worth the time. 
Purified cultures, accepting long-distance phone calls lately. 
Just trying to hit these goals and milestones, baby.

Since participating in this weekly night activity, I've rediscovered my life. 
It feels exaggerated, and I agree, but maybe this wasn't meant to be my destination. 
But it is, and anyhow, I'm the cat's pajamas. 
I'm curious, are you feeling animated yet? Having compulsions of when we first met.

Playful in public together, less than frequently bashful, walking down the street. 
The fragrance you sprayed on has injected a memory into me of that specific pheromone. 
It's a proof of spirit, I think. I guess this is your way of entrancing me.

Adding suspense to every conversation. 
Anticipating what is going to be said next, embracing the change. 
Researching advice columns, collecting a new value every day; you're always in my brain, per se.

You cast a love spell on me, passing all of your shit tests because I've been studying for these exams, and typically I don't do this much homework. A persuasive individual, pressure points on me that you touch. Digging your teeth into my neck because I dared you to do it. Fast-paced action, quick, quick, quick and easy.


As my adrenaline starts to rush, you leave the cliffhanger that I want. 
This is what I crave, and you always make me wait.

You plant the seeds. This succulent needs to grow, and I'm in need. 
It doubles in size when the pupils dilate tonight. 
My innuendo, so fancy, so wrong, but it feels so right.

You are my accomplice. 
I want the risk; I can't resist. 
You are my accomplice. 
I want the risk; I can't resist.

An appetite for success, optimistic mindset. 
Do you catch my drift? 
Already on my radar, I'm a heat-seeking missile, looking for my next target, and you may or may not be it.

You are my accomplice. 
I want the risk; I can't resist. 
You are my accomplice. 
I want the risk; I can't resist.

Kiss Me In French

A galaxy away from my last date, orbiting around in an unfamiliar space. 
I've spent the past half-decade sleeping in campsites, bunk beds, couches, and bedroom floors. 
A pocket full of change with a National Parks Services membership with my name on it.

My horoscope has a separate itinerary than I do. It's what made me lose track of your enclosed bottles of lavender-scented perfume. Am I too old for a curfew? I'll go North, South, East, West, but don't follow what I do.

A fickle timeline.
Reading me in Braille.
Leave the funny business behind.
It's no news; it's a compliment.
Baby, kiss me In French.
Baby, kiss me In French.

Chasing every opportunity I can get. Effortlessly magnetic conversationalist, easily able to attract, occupied time all of the time. A catalog of my life surfaces on a news reporter's night. Vicariously energetic, just to make sure you have your wits.

A fickle timeline
Reading me in Braille.
Leave the funny business behind.
It's no news; it's a compliment.
Baby, kiss me In French.
Baby, kiss me In French.

IG @JamesRichardLane
X @JamesLanee 


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