Party Bloc.

During recent activity I've been up to a lot again. My cousin Andrew came to town this weekend after purchasing him and I tickets to see Bloc Party at Rams Head but before all that, I went to a skateboarding art gallery party with James, Adam, Hannah, and a few other friends it was sick. There was a half pipe, music, and beer everywhere. Afterwards we left and walked to Club Charles for more drinks which I got way to wasted due to all the drinks bought for us. I would later stumble down Charles street and not arrive back to my house till 4am. It was slightly terrible but still a really fun night. The next morning Andrew arrived as I was getting ready to prepare for my show at Charm City Art Space that night by me learning Thom (my drummer) his parts and having young Michael (Pablo) to play all my guitar parts. It took all day! The time had come so we all arrive to open for Arab Spring, Sea Patterns, Glow Kids, & A Troop Of Echo's. I set up my drums Mike got ready with his g...