
Showing posts from March, 2020

A New Decade, A New Life

Wow... It's literally been years since I've updated this blog. My life has changed dramatically since my last post (New Year's Eve 2017). Instead of writing an entire post about my absence, I'll provide a brief synopsis. Grand Lake, NPS tour 2018 - I continued my show at Met Radio, visited 4 National Parks (Sand Dunes, Mesa Verde, Arches, Rocky) in 4 days w/ Kim and Bailey. Moved back to Baltimore May 31st after Kim and I finally split up after 4 1/2 + years. Rekindled past friendships after a two year absence in Denver. Flew back to Denver in July to perform and release my album "Bon Voyage" at The Underground Music Showcase 2018, worked for the Baltimore Hostel again in community engagement. Drove to Miami to help my friend Adam move. Lastly ran a half marathon in Philly with my best time yet 1:48:45. BAM! Santa Monica, November 2019 2019 - Hosted monthly music showcases at HI Baltimore, visited my 50th state Alaska with my friend James (...