
Showing posts from December, 2020

2020 Reflection

A daily gratitude list (highly recommend) . . . . . . helped me out tremendously on keeping track of my days, goals, progress, and overall life. I haven't missed one day of updating it in 2020 . . . . . . This has given a year's worth of things to be grateful for.  Top 5 moments of 2020  1. Performing the Underground Music Showcase  2.  Denver Mayor Michael Hancock FM radio interview   3.  4 Corners road trip/SLC half marathon !!! 4.  The Shaky Experience - " More Famous Than Food " release. 5. Summer   24 hour road trip Music -  I released two EPs as Pelvis Presley and one full length album as The Shaky Experience.  I performed The Corner Beat (Capital Hill, Denver), Glitter City Studios (Santa Fe, Denver), Horse House (W Alameda, Denver), Plague Fest (livestream) the Underground Music Showcase (livestream), Qurantunes (livestream), Apartscape (Artscape Baltimore livestream) 7 th Circle Music Collective (Sun Valley, Denver). R...