
Showing posts from September, 2012

Last/Best weekend of Baltimore left.

Yesterday I go to the Baltimore Book Festival in order to help out the BNote and pass out information on us. It was cool there was free veggie burgers! Free yogurt! & free beer!! Walked around with Alex S. which I haven't seen her since Ocean City this summer. Great time, pack up and about to get ready to play a show with The Shaky Experience. Alex & I leave the festival walk towards Charles Theater and across the street they're throwing a huge party on top of the parking garage which had free pizza, free wine, free beer again! We go up there dance then walk down stairs to a free art opening and show at the Metro Gallery in which was just as great! Awesome atmosphere lot's of drunks! I finally leave to get ready to play our show at Karitsa and Missy's 21st birthday bash/party/underground show. Get there play a 10 song set list everyone was into it! Lot's of dancing, flashy, huge crowd interaction with an encore song! We finish listen to the rest of the bands...

Lightning Bolt, Grizzly Bear, Tennessee meets

During this last week in a half I have been putting my body in and out of shows. I saw Lightning Bolt & Witch Hat two nights ago at Floristree which turned out to be such an intense performance by literally one of the best drummers in the world. Stage dives, body slamming, warehouse drinks! Awesome time with everyone plus I got to hangout with both the Brian's after the show. Then yesterday I became aware Grizzly Bear was playing 9:30 club and tickets were sold out! But no matter there is always take train there and hope someone is selling some, turns out there's some dude from Tennessee also looking to buy a ticket, long story short him and I both find tickets and start talking and he's a great dude him and I buy unlimited drinks watch the show (great set) and he ask where i'm staying? I say no where I have to wait till the train comes in the morning to go back to home. He says it's cool i'll drive you back home to Baltimore man. So we get out of this g...

Baltimore, Maryland.

So the Orioles win 10-6 the first game of the 4 game series of the New York Yankees. Which I was there and the crowd interaction was like no other also Oriole legend Cal Ripkin was there to celebrate in honor of his historic ceremony that night. It was truly amazing to tie us back into first place in the MLB. Today The Ravens go off to face Bengals in which they won 44-13 which is a huge score to keep them in the highest win in the NFL thus far but before the game we had Baltimore's own most decorated Olympic athlete in history Michael Phelps honored at the Inner Harbor for his brilliant accomplishments at the London 2012 Olympics this year. Afterwards he arrives before the Ravens game starts to come out and hug Ray Lewis in the middle of the field which possibly could of been one of the greatest moments in Maryland history. Meanwhile I was at Holy Frijoles at a meeting with my new intern job at the Baltimore "Bnote" Currency. Tonight we discussed many new ideas and fac...

Beach Cycle Note

As of recent I've been trying to keep my pace during Cycling the great city of Baltimore with my Ikea bicycle. Reaching out trying to pursue goals before my move. I have an interview set up for the Baltimore "Bnote" Currency tomorrow. Which is basically Bmore's own one dollar and five dollar bill which is soon to be used everywhere in our city. I'm also watching the Democratic Convention as I watch Bill Clinton I recall the time where I met him before, during governor O'Malley's reelection in October 2010. Truly a pleasure meeting a former president. In other news indie famous Baltimore natives Beach House messaged me on Twitter which is interesting and delightful because they're well known and an inspiring devoted band to have mentioned in this blog with little word wrote to me still pretty cool to hear from them. Tonight I also went to an advance screening to see "for a good time cal". Great movie, has a Brides Maids humor to it with a litt...