Beach Cycle Note

As of recent I've been trying to keep my pace during Cycling the great city of Baltimore with my Ikea bicycle. Reaching out trying to pursue goals before my move. I have an interview set up for the Baltimore "Bnote" Currency tomorrow. Which is basically Bmore's own one dollar and five dollar bill which is soon to be used everywhere in our city. I'm also watching the Democratic Convention as I watch Bill Clinton I recall the time where I met him before, during governor O'Malley's reelection in October 2010. Truly a pleasure meeting a former president. In other news indie famous Baltimore natives Beach House messaged me on Twitter which is interesting and delightful because they're well known and an inspiring devoted band to have mentioned in this blog with little word wrote to me still pretty cool to hear from them. Tonight I also went to an advance screening to see "for a good time cal". Great movie, has a Brides Maids humor to it with a little more edgy girl comedy. Ari Graynor looks good, as well as Lauren Miller. I'm not much of a movie person however I would suggest seeing this one it's definitely enjoyable. I'm hungry and finished this post.


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