Lightning Bolt, Grizzly Bear, Tennessee meets
During this last week in a half I have been putting my body in and out of shows. I saw Lightning Bolt & Witch Hat two nights ago at Floristree which turned out to be such an intense performance by literally one of the best drummers in the world. Stage dives, body slamming, warehouse drinks! Awesome time with everyone plus I got to hangout with both the Brian's after the show. Then yesterday I became aware Grizzly Bear was playing 9:30 club and tickets were sold out! But no matter there is always take train there and hope someone is selling some, turns out there's some dude from Tennessee also looking to buy a ticket, long story short him and I both find tickets and start talking and he's a great dude him and I buy unlimited drinks watch the show (great set) and he ask where i'm staying? I say no where I have to wait till the train comes in the morning to go back to home. He says it's cool i'll drive you back home to Baltimore man. So we get out of this great show, tell weird fucking stories about three sums/ & hookers and contests and he drops me back to my house. Awesome time and such a pleasure meeting the dude! Tomorrow I'll be playing Dionysus with some great bands in support of The Shaky Experience future release album The "Clear" Album. It's going to be an excellent show with great support and wild fun I can't wait!
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