Baltimore-Denver-New Orleans-Tennessee-New York

My trip was crazy! I took a bus from Baltimore to Denver in which was payed for by a company called Work For Progress in which this company was in support to help out with elections and support president Obama. We stopped in so many states it was nearly a 42 hour bus ride across the country. I stopped in Pittsburgh, Columbus, Indianapolis, Illinois, Kansas, St. Louis, and made it to Denver finally. During my bus ride I met a bunch of crazy people a guy who was in the marines who had drug problems, some flirty weird goofy looking girl, and a 72 year old man named Berry who told me I would make a good pastor. It was odd but cool. Anyway I made it to Denver finally as I waited outside for my hostel to open to put my stuff away but it didn't open till 5pm! and it was mid day and I didn't want to wait so I sat out there finally someone opened the doors leaving as I sneaked in I sat my things in the tv room? I took a shower in a public bathroom thing. I left and explored the city! I walked down the 16th street which is a main strip in Denver checked out all the tourist places and bars in which I found (Worlds Largest Selection Of Draft Beer Bar) in which I had a few drinks and it was great!

I finally get to work meet my co workers, fill out the paper work and left!! I went home early to rest up after the long bus ride, that is when I met my roommates which was a guy named Cohreme (Cream) from the Bronx which was guy who would try to convince me Jesus was a UFO and how he met Wyclef back in 1997 at a theme park. I had a gay Austrian guy which he was awesome but too scientific for me. There was Matt from Virginia he was pitchfork guy with a North Face jacket he was cool, we would get food and talk about our weird roommates. Then there was a fat guy named Andrew who was 29 and had an alcohol problem, and was always really sweaty and the room was really nice there was a kitchen, living room, a shower, and our room where we all slept. All in all my roommates were great. So I went to work and it was a tough job of going in and out constantly for canvasing and recruiting over the phone, etc. It was a tough job and the payments weren't coming on time.

I was broke and was living off McDonalds and 711 food my time there. I was working 9am-10pm 6 days a week and that's when I decided I couldn't do it anymore! That's when Mike W. arrived and two days later we quit, but before we did that we met some cool co-workers, went out drinking with them at a place called Illegal Pete's every night and enjoyed the city of Denver. Mike and I realized we were starting to become broke that's when we went in for our last day and picked up our paychecks.

We went on Craigslist to find a way back home for cheap, and that's when we found this 50 yr old biker dude Rocky we gave him a call he said he'd like to get to know us so he picked us up and drove us to his huge house in the Rockies of CO. we got to really get to know the guy and he asked us to drive his car from CO. to New Orleans to drop off to his daughter and of course we accepted and he also gave us $150 in cash for gas money. It was a great deal and just when we thought it couldn't get better he had a basement with over 200 plants of weed! He grew from home and that's how he made money in a legal way not to mention. We all smoked together!

Mike and I got completely 100% the most stoned we've ever been and made up a story about a bear which will be quoted later. We went to sleep and the next day we woke got the directions and took his Scion and drove across the country we went through the best parts of Colorado which it was so beautiful there and had the best sites. We went through  New Mexico which was so empty at least the part we went through the most we saw was tumbleweed, although we did stop in a couple of shops got post cards and ate. & that is when we finally made it to TEXAS it was intense and such a long drive, we went though many great parts, we saw desert, we saw little towns, we saw the everything! We got delirious talked really crazy to each other. We stopped in rest stops to clear our heads, we ate food, we listed to good old songs on the radio  "I could just die in your arms tonight!". "Blinded by the light!" etc. we ate, we drove on the road for endless hours and we made it to Dallas, Tx in which that is when we got completely exhausted and couldn't wait to sleep anymore. We drove around laid at a gas station, people wouldn't stop bothering us so we left and found a Salvation Army and that is where we slept behind. We woke up in the middle of the night some cops were near by and weren't sure of anything so we left and slept in a Burger King parking lot and we woke up went to BK to eat and that's when we got wifi in their cafe (lol). We looked online and saw Austin City Limits was happening we packed up headed in that direction but realized time was running out to get the car to N,O so we left and continued our journey.

We arrived in Louisiana stopped in a Sonic ate inside and that's when we came to the conclusion we needed to stop eating fast food, it was killing all of our energy. We left made in to New Orleans stayed outside of the hostel we stayed in December 2011 when we won the Mercedes and went out to Bourbon st. and the French Quarter. I went to the Black Smith Shop which could be possibly my favorite bar I've ever been to, we got drunk walked around New Orleans all night and made it back to the car, slept in it and made it to the girl she loved it and bought us food. She was cool and very nice. That's when we remembered we met a girl last night who was headed to Tennessee for the night but New York in the morning, we contacted her and left New Orleans and drove with her to TN ate there, passed out in a rest stop all 3 together and kept on going! We drove forever, got delirious again talked some pretty creepy weird sex talk about Chinese wiener trap, the Yan, and NickleBack. So we gave up passed out in VA for awhile woke up drove to New York, walked around with Amanda enjoyed the city and that's when Mike and I went back to Baltimore. Our total trip cost was $25, we went through 20 states. All thanks to Craigslist deals/ride share/couch surfers/friendly trusting people. It was an amazing trip.

Bear Story:
"They try to kill us with knifes, we jump out the window. We befriend a bear! Bring it back with us kill them. Steal their atv's. The bear is on one, we're on another. That's it. the bear becomes our sidekick. We name it Holly Berry. The bear finds an owl. They turn on us. I rise up hit a tree break my shoulders and skull, but during that you kill the owl. Mike continues against the bear, he kills it, we go the bears funeral it becomes zombie bear we run....End".


  1. This is a really awesome story man, you need to use paragraphs though!


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