Thieves Like Us. We stay in mansions.

After the tough choice of going to CMJ music marathon in New York with all the rsvp's I had I decided to cancel last minute probably out of exhaustion of not being ready to handle another city after the long road trip I completed last weekish. Then I remembered a girl from Croatia I met last year after a Cut Copy show messaged me about a band called Thieves Like Us that they are playing live in DC Friday so I took into consideration looked it up and it turned out they were playing at Comet Ping Pong which is an excellent ping pong table, pizza, bar, music venue in DC. I took the train out to meet up with her, we watched the bands did a lot of dancing, a lot of drinking, a lot of fun! I got to play ping pong with the band before the show! Which was greatly enjoyable and I also have a lot of respect for them being that their only original member left is a lead singer/guitarist, although all the band members were very enjoyable and unique being from England, Mexico, Sweden, & Denver. It was cool. After the show due to the strict policies the girl Barbara had with now currently living situation I couldn't stay over, so I was stuck in DC alone and tired around 4am. She talked to me and asked if I remembered her gay friend Henry from when I first met her, very vague. Anyway he was offering a place for me and Mike to stay for the night so we took a cab to his house and it turned out to be a mansion. He was rich, and very fun guy. Glad I got to re-meet him, we went to bed at 5am, woke up at 10am slept rough, got up and left, walked around Columbia Heights for the day, went to the science museum and the postal museum, caught a train home and now I'm back home exhausted but had a cool trip with great choices.


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