
Showing posts from June, 2013

It's a Long Island Story

To speak more what happened the real story of me going to Long Island for the end of December going into early January and celebrating New Years in NYC, I arrived in NYC via China bus it was weird because once I arrived immediately had to head over to the train station to head to Long Island around night time to arrive to Sam's house. I walked straight there and as I was walking it felt like a tunnel of wind pushing me being it was so cold. I arrived and took a 1 hour ride from the city to Ronkonkoma which obviously I've never step foot into LI so I felt like this could have only been an interesting experience for me. I arrived, it was dark and snowy I liked it though, I was carrying all my best clothes in a book bag I had brought being I'd be staying for a week or so. Sam picked me up we head straight to her parents she introduced me it was cool. I slept in the basement and she bought me a cardigan to replace the one I lost on my birthday two weeks before. I...

Every travel so far.

I love traveling. I will get to all 50 states by the age of 30. I've been to 43 as of 6/7/2015. I'm 25 years old. I decided to try and devote time to updating this blog post every time I leave Baltimore and go somewhere and have something interesting to say about it. Once I reach all 50 states I want to write a book about my travel archives and give advice on what to do when traveling as of now I use Couch Surfers, hostels, friends, planes, trains, and automobiles (mainly cars, and buses). It's been amazing. I hope you enjoy my stories for what it's worth and focus more on the positive message I am trying to tell instead of worrying about my grammar and other things of that nature. Thank you. Enjoy. New York (first time traveling), October 10, 2008 I just finished driving school, and met the a girl who I would date for a solid year (in the future), I was super stoked. I wanted to do something spontaneous. I talked to my best friend Mike and we decided to finally g...