Every travel so far.
I love traveling. I will get to all 50 states by the age of 30. I've been to 43 as of 6/7/2015. I'm 25 years old. I decided to try and devote time to updating this blog post every time I leave Baltimore and go somewhere and have something interesting to say about it. Once I reach all 50 states I want to write a book about my travel archives and give advice on what to do when traveling as of now I use Couch Surfers, hostels, friends, planes, trains, and automobiles (mainly cars, and buses). It's been amazing. I hope you enjoy my stories for what it's worth and focus more on the positive message I am trying to tell instead of worrying about my grammar and other things of that nature.
Thank you.
New York (first time traveling), October 10, 2008
I just finished driving school, and met the a girl who I would date for a solid year (in the future), I was super stoked. I wanted to do something spontaneous. I talked to my best friend Mike and we decided to finally go to New York and experience the city we left really late at night and didn't arrive till sunrise. It was incredible. We stayed with an ex coworker Mike worked with at Urban Outfitters, we even fell asleep on some furniture in a Brooklyn U.O store till she got off. We explored all over the city, did a lot of subway hoping, had good pizza, then stayed up late due to an amazing mini party thrown by her roommates and friend Irene that consisted of expired Twizzlers, old Oreo cookies, and a broken time machine, also the zombies downstairs partying and smoking weed in a funeral home.
Miami, Christmas day 2008
It was Christmas Day 08', Mike called me asking if I wanted to drive to Miami and him and his Dad to help pick up a motorcycle in Miami, so we did we drove forever down the coast. It was a lot of fun listening to shuffle mixes/Jizz in my pants several of times. We got there hung out on Palm Beach, got the motorcycle, walked around some Cuba festival, went to an art gallery, tried applying to Miami Inc for a job, went to a friends house in Fort Lauderdale and got in a kayak with no paddles and almost floated down the river, then drove back to Baltimore the next day
New Jersey/New York/Estonia, summer 2009
I would continue to date an Estonian girl all through out 2009, going on road trips, to NY and in Philly, etc. one of my most memorable times was going to Baltic Bash in Lakewood, NJ and celebrating the 3 countries history. It was probably one of the coolest things I've ever done, especially being with someone I really enjoyed. We drank with the Lithuanians/Latvians/Estonians and even a Romanian or two. Lots of drunk activities, wild life exploring, sleeping in tents, playing volleyball, listening to sirus, eating diner foods, rad times.
Toronto, December 2009
After ending a year relationship, and my 20th birthday coming up around the same time. I took a trip to Toronto, CA alone. It was incredible! I felt so confused I loved it. I packed up my things and left. During my trip there I went ice skating, bar crawls w/ the hostel, I played an open mic, record store shopped, hung out in Eaton Square, went to the CN tower, and got interviewed on a Canadian news network randomly. My roommates even sung happy birthday to me in all their accents together ( 1 Germany, 1 Mexico, 1 France, 2 Australia). I later went on a tour bus to Niagara Falls, then eventually made it to Dan Aykroyd's Wine Brewery. It was awesome!
Toronto/Montreal, summer 2010
I came back to Toronto! It felt like a second home and stayed in the same HI-hostel and a lot of people remembered me which was super awesome!! I stayed for nearly a month this time. I checked out more museums, went to little towns like Broadview daily and sat in a coffee shop. I felt I belonged but wanted to see more so I decided to go to Montreal, Que'bec alone stay there for a night ironically the hostel I was suppose to stay at was booked, I had all my things and had no where to go. I accidentally walked through McGill Universities college graduation, hung out all the way on top of MT. Royal then slept there and the next day caught a bus back to Toronto to go to a pub crawl I met some girl there got intimate, then stayed for a few more nights and met a guy named Dan from Sydney, AU later on him and I would become great traveling partners then eventually I packed my things and headed home
Chicago/Detroit, December 2010
My 21st birthday had arrived and I needed something great to do, so Dan the Aussie I met and I went off to Chicago to explore and celebrate! It was a fun trip hanging out together, going to the Sears Tower, visiting museums including the contemporary, and hanging out at awesome dance bars! It was extremely cold, and windy, we did the hostel tour and checked out a jazz club too, we went to a Chicago Bulls game, then we would later catch a bus to Detroit but it had a 5 hour delay due to extreme ice conditions we made it but almost crashed! We got there and ironically the MN Vikings stadium collapsed due to a snow storm and NY Giants were there so they took the game to the Lions stadium and gave out free tickets to everyone we got some and went it was so fun! We also went to Motown to see where the Jackson's, Marvin Gay, and the rest of them got their start, great trip.
Philly/Pittsburgh, Summer 2011
I spent a lot of time in Philly this summer, visiting my cousin. He went to Rutgers, Camden. I would stay there and take a 10 minute train to Philly and hangout with my friend Tj and people he introduced me too at UArts. I went to thrift stores, bars, played frisbee/pool, partied. One day I even got to Co-host WKDU Drexel's radio station (Fancy Pants Radio) it was sick. I ended the summer by driving to Pittsburgh 3am and arriving at 7am to be an extra in the Dark Knight Rises. It was so hot! We had to wear jackets due to it being a winter scene then we slept in a near by town that the guy we were driving with knew someone there type of thing. I ended the Philly era by ending the best Halloween party I ever been to at TJ's dressing up as Michael Phelps and meeting tons of people and women. It was a great summer!
Boston, November 2011
I finished a job working in DC where I got my own hotel for 4 nights, and would hear from Dan telling me he was going back to Australia so we planned out one last trip together and him and I went off Boston together to explore the amazing city they have. We did the Freedom trail all the way through, we hung out in Quincy Market, we went to both Cheers bars, we went to the Aquarium, we went to the Science Center, we went to Harvard and did a small tour there and ate some cake, checked out a local thrift store, and we spent a lot of times in the Purple Shamrock having some drinks. It was a very satisfying trip and good farewell. Very clean and friendly place.
New Orleans/Atlanta, December 2011
Mike and I were getting bored and anxious for a new trip, and he mentioned Mercedes was having a contest, so we submitted in entry videos and he won! A GoPro camera to film the trip 4 Grand on expenses, and a 2012 C-Coop Mercedes (for 7 days)! Ironically he won it Dec 5th, 2011 (my 22nd birthday) he picked me up and we drove down to Atlanta to party with his friend Stan (2008 Olympic Runner). We partied so hard, drunk like never before, going to so many clubs, underground bars, possibly trivia, it was sick then we took that thing down to New Orleans we partied on Bourbon street for a few nights stayed at a hostel I got so drunk rolled off the top bunk and collapsed on an Asian girl, it was ridiculous but very fun times, we called into Playboy radio played some dumb game with them, went to two of Nicolas Cage's mansions, and 1 of Brad Pitts, ate at the French Quarter, it was so much fun, we eventually drove it back and made it home. Never Forget trip.
Denver/Dallas/New Orleans/Tennessee/NY October 2012 trip
I just left h&m after working there for 3 years, and sold my car. I had nothing and wanted to move away far asap! So I found a job on Craigslist campaigning for Obama in Colorado so Mike & I took it and had several phone interviews and had a place to live and a food stipend and would take the Greyhound out from Baltimore to Denver, I hated the job, nothing was getting done. I wasn't getting paid, and I was living off 7-11 foods. I quit and sat in my hostel for a whole day and found a Craigslist ad about a guy who needed his side car driven from The Rockies - New Orleans and we called him up he picked us up in the car (2005 Scion) and we went back to his cabin with all our things, you would think he'd kill us but we had nothing going on anyway so we said why not, turns out he was a home grower and had over 200 plants of weed in his basement. He smoked us up, we ate pizza, talked travel stories, and watched tv the next morning he woke us up bright and early and we drove off stayed in Dallas for the night behind a goodwill, went to New Orleans, hung out, did some drinking it was fun, and eventually met a girl headed up to Tennessee, then New York so we went up with her got some good TN food, went up to NY hu
ng out and came back to Baltimore.
New York City/Long Island, New Years day 2012-2013
New Years, I watched the ball drop in Time Square w/ my girlfriend, it was awesome to see in person. I stayed with my gf and her parents in Ronkonkoma, Long Island, NY. It was an odd experience I was dating someone I only knew for 2 months and we weren't really anything and just two people hooking up. Although besides all that she drove me all around Long Island, to icy cold piers, to cool towns that had local running stores, and Alkoline water store. She drove us all the way across to Fire Island where it was so cold with an frozen ocean breeze hitting my face, the sun was beaming on us and we were just sitting in a car then walked out and explored a broken down boardwalk that looked like a ghost town. It had a sentimental feeling to it. I also felt a nostalgic feel too. We left went home, hooked up, we went to some museum in NYC I left back to Baltimore and that ended that. It was an interesting trip

Los Angeles, California, July - November 2013
I have always had this goal/promise to myself that I would make it all the way West to the other side where the Pacific Ocean lays in California. It feels all my travels I have ever done has been a build to this. I worked at a American History Pop Culture Museum March - July 2013, saving up for this move Mike and I were so ready to make, Thom would also join this trip last minute. We bought our bus tickets from Bmore - LA and went. It took us 4 days and we finally arrived at our new apartment August 1st. So far California has been awesome! We have a pool, we've gone hiking the Hollywood mountain, smoked weed, ate great Mexican food, met celebrities, went to concerts such as Matt & Kim, Dr. Dog, & Arctic Monkeys, were on Kimmel twice. It has been fun and will continue for awhile longer, but my number 1 goals next year is to make a success story out of myself out here by attending Improv classes, writing a book of travel archives, and find the right career for me in the entertainment industry for short term then continue the rest of legacy traveling the globe and back.
Fort Lauderdale, Florida November 2013
I left LA early November
and went down to Florida for the rest of the month of November to visit family friends and get away from my problems in I was having in LA. The woman I was staying with had me stay up in my own room that had a balcony and had a great view of the river behind the house, in ground pool and 10 cats roaming around on a daily schedule waiting for Joy to feed them. She also had her own organic produce buying club, and every Tuesday there was free fruit and wine tasting at her house, filled with old people who still act young at heart and a few cool young ones who brought over guitars and played for the party. I went a tantra movement class on weekends then went out to a Japanese restaurant and bar and met a ton of great people. I went to yoga classes. I went to Del Ray beach and had dinner. I went to the world's largest flea market (Swap Shop). I went to Flamingo Gardens and saw a bunch of FL wild animals it was an incredible time. I did some running, and walked down to Fort Lauderdale by the sea, which is an awesome beach I went to as much as I could. I ate the best foods I ever had, and couldn't of asked for a more relaxing time in Florida. I felt the sense of retirement at the age of 23.
New York/Philly/DC February 2014
I started working at Hosteling International Baltimore doing the over night weekend shifts. It was dreadful but I got a lot of benefits such as staying at any HI in the world for free, so I took complete advantage of that and stayed at HI-NY for free. I brought my gf (at the time) we went to Rough Trade Records, hung out in Williamsburg and explored the city. I went to Philly once to with my lady. I was awake all night the night before due to work then her and I drove to Havre De Grace walked around as well as hung out in Philly and went to an amazing vegetarian restaurant called Govindas. I ate the best meal of my life there.
Tampa April 2014
I took a last minute bus ride from Baltimore to St. Peterburg with a $100 Greyhound voucher I had GH sent me for when my bus caught on fire which was super dope. I went for my gf's best friends wedding. I stayed on this guys couch Josh who was my gf's brothers best friend. He was awesome, in 2009 he went to 44 states and made a magazine for each week of his year. I hung out on the beach, went for a run, did the bar scene. It was sweet.
Atlanta/Ashville May 2014
I got my gf and I tickets to see my favorite band We Are Scientists in DC. She got us kicked out of the show for bringing in alcohol so she made up for it by driving us down to Atlanta to see them. We stayed with this guy I met off of Couch Surfers who had an amazing house. We went to Yeah Burger for some delicious vegetarian food. We drove back up went to Ashville. Explored that incredible city seeing the Moog store, all the thrift shops, and record stores. We also drove all the way through the Blue Ridge Mountains.
Lake Tahoe, CA July 2014
This was one of the trips I won on The Price Is Right. It was amazing, every day was super awesome and very exciting. This was my first ever plane ride. I took my friend Thom. We got drunk every night, hung out at the casinos, I hitched hiked and played $400 worth of golf with a drunk stranger. It was an incredible trip. We kept on seeing some guy named Fabrezzio play synth out front of our hotel. We climbed the mountain of Emerald Bay.
San Francisco/Vermont/Montreal August 2014
This was the other trip I won on The Price Is Right. I took my friend Adam, this trip was super great we did so much site seeing we saw Union Square, art markets, Coin Tower, Lombard Street, Golden Gate Bridge, Golden Gate Park. I picked the trip during Outside Lands Festival which was amazing because we got to see Arctic Monkeys, Death Cab For Cutie, Chromeo, Cut Copy, Lykke Li, The Killers, etc. It was a super dope trip.
I also drove up to Vermont with my girlfriend to visit my friend James. We explored Burlington. Did some hiking, had the best breakfast of all time. We went to a lot of breweries. We also did a day trip to Montreal which was really nice and fun. It was an awesome experience. We also stopped in this little town called Brattlesborro, VT which was super great and reminded me of Ashville a lot.
New Hampshire, Maine, Boston November 2014
My friend Mike just bought a car and wanted to visit a friend in Exeter, NH so we drove up to visit him but he wasn't home so we stopped in Kittery, ME and waited for him to arrive home we did we went out to Boston for the night and partied at some dance bar, crashed at some frat guys house. We woke up got breakfast and hit the road back to Bmore. It was a small but sweet trip.

New York December 2014
My gf and I went to New York for my 25th birthday to go see Michael Cera's play This Is Out Youth afterwards we met him after the play. It was amazing. We stayed at HI-NY again, we went to Williamsburg again and hung out with my friend Luis at Silent Barn, We did a lot of site seeing around NY the next day seeing the Statue Of Liberty, 9/11 memorial, Time Square, The Seinfeld restaurant and ate there. It was a nice trip.
Philly/Harpers Ferry/DC February 2015

My gf and I took a trip to Philly for Valentine's day. We stayed at Apple hostel out there for free. We went Govinda's, Tattoo Mom's, and a bunch of other wonderful places. We went to Harper's Ferry did a hike on the application trial. Ate lunch in the small down, and walked around the in the sand. Lastly explored DC went to the Hirshhorn museum.
Seattle/Portland May 2015I took a bus from Baltimore to Seattle by myself. It was an amazing experience. This was the furthest I have ever gone by myself, and by far the longest I have ever sat on a bus for. It was a 3 day bus ride. While I was out in Seattle I went to the Space Needle, Pioneer Square, Pike Place Market, etc. I also checked out the awesome town Capitol Hill. That was great. I than used a $25 Greyhound voucher I won (via FB contest) and took a bus to Portland, Oregon. I stayed at the hostel there for free as well. I walked all over the city. I went to Voodoo Donuts, Kit Kat Club, Powell Books, and enjoyed the nature of the outer city. I than flew back home, originally going to bus back to Baltimore
instead that plan was changed after a new friend paid for my flight back. This trip was fantastic!
Miscellaneous trips
I definitely missed a few trips in this timeline, such as going to Coney Island in summer 2010 for Siren Festival, other random NY and Philly trips. Going to Toronto in 2011 with Mike taking a boat to Century Island (Nude Beach) and hanging out in the Lakeview bar for a solid week, staying in a hotel in Tulsa, Oaklahoma for the night as well as passing through many other states
States I have stepped foot in.
Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon Pennsylvania, Rhode Island South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington West Virginia, Wisconsin.
Ontario, Quebec.
Thank you.
New York (first time traveling), October 10, 2008

Miami, Christmas day 2008

New Jersey/New York/Estonia, summer 2009

Toronto, December 2009

Toronto/Montreal, summer 2010

Chicago/Detroit, December 2010

Philly/Pittsburgh, Summer 2011

Boston, November 2011
I finished a job working in DC where I got my own hotel for 4 nights, and would hear from Dan telling me he was going back to Australia so we planned out one last trip together and him and I went off Boston together to explore the amazing city they have. We did the Freedom trail all the way through, we hung out in Quincy Market, we went to both Cheers bars, we went to the Aquarium, we went to the Science Center, we went to Harvard and did a small tour there and ate some cake, checked out a local thrift store, and we spent a lot of times in the Purple Shamrock having some drinks. It was a very satisfying trip and good farewell. Very clean and friendly place.
New Orleans/Atlanta, December 2011

Denver/Dallas/New Orleans/Tennessee/NY October 2012 trip

ng out and came back to Baltimore.
New York City/Long Island, New Years day 2012-2013
New Years, I watched the ball drop in Time Square w/ my girlfriend, it was awesome to see in person. I stayed with my gf and her parents in Ronkonkoma, Long Island, NY. It was an odd experience I was dating someone I only knew for 2 months and we weren't really anything and just two people hooking up. Although besides all that she drove me all around Long Island, to icy cold piers, to cool towns that had local running stores, and Alkoline water store. She drove us all the way across to Fire Island where it was so cold with an frozen ocean breeze hitting my face, the sun was beaming on us and we were just sitting in a car then walked out and explored a broken down boardwalk that looked like a ghost town. It had a sentimental feeling to it. I also felt a nostalgic feel too. We left went home, hooked up, we went to some museum in NYC I left back to Baltimore and that ended that. It was an interesting trip

Los Angeles, California, July - November 2013
I have always had this goal/promise to myself that I would make it all the way West to the other side where the Pacific Ocean lays in California. It feels all my travels I have ever done has been a build to this. I worked at a American History Pop Culture Museum March - July 2013, saving up for this move Mike and I were so ready to make, Thom would also join this trip last minute. We bought our bus tickets from Bmore - LA and went. It took us 4 days and we finally arrived at our new apartment August 1st. So far California has been awesome! We have a pool, we've gone hiking the Hollywood mountain, smoked weed, ate great Mexican food, met celebrities, went to concerts such as Matt & Kim, Dr. Dog, & Arctic Monkeys, were on Kimmel twice. It has been fun and will continue for awhile longer, but my number 1 goals next year is to make a success story out of myself out here by attending Improv classes, writing a book of travel archives, and find the right career for me in the entertainment industry for short term then continue the rest of legacy traveling the globe and back.
Fort Lauderdale, Florida November 2013
I left LA early November
and went down to Florida for the rest of the month of November to visit family friends and get away from my problems in I was having in LA. The woman I was staying with had me stay up in my own room that had a balcony and had a great view of the river behind the house, in ground pool and 10 cats roaming around on a daily schedule waiting for Joy to feed them. She also had her own organic produce buying club, and every Tuesday there was free fruit and wine tasting at her house, filled with old people who still act young at heart and a few cool young ones who brought over guitars and played for the party. I went a tantra movement class on weekends then went out to a Japanese restaurant and bar and met a ton of great people. I went to yoga classes. I went to Del Ray beach and had dinner. I went to the world's largest flea market (Swap Shop). I went to Flamingo Gardens and saw a bunch of FL wild animals it was an incredible time. I did some running, and walked down to Fort Lauderdale by the sea, which is an awesome beach I went to as much as I could. I ate the best foods I ever had, and couldn't of asked for a more relaxing time in Florida. I felt the sense of retirement at the age of 23.
New York/Philly/DC February 2014
I started working at Hosteling International Baltimore doing the over night weekend shifts. It was dreadful but I got a lot of benefits such as staying at any HI in the world for free, so I took complete advantage of that and stayed at HI-NY for free. I brought my gf (at the time) we went to Rough Trade Records, hung out in Williamsburg and explored the city. I went to Philly once to with my lady. I was awake all night the night before due to work then her and I drove to Havre De Grace walked around as well as hung out in Philly and went to an amazing vegetarian restaurant called Govindas. I ate the best meal of my life there.

I took a last minute bus ride from Baltimore to St. Peterburg with a $100 Greyhound voucher I had GH sent me for when my bus caught on fire which was super dope. I went for my gf's best friends wedding. I stayed on this guys couch Josh who was my gf's brothers best friend. He was awesome, in 2009 he went to 44 states and made a magazine for each week of his year. I hung out on the beach, went for a run, did the bar scene. It was sweet.
Atlanta/Ashville May 2014

Lake Tahoe, CA July 2014
This was one of the trips I won on The Price Is Right. It was amazing, every day was super awesome and very exciting. This was my first ever plane ride. I took my friend Thom. We got drunk every night, hung out at the casinos, I hitched hiked and played $400 worth of golf with a drunk stranger. It was an incredible trip. We kept on seeing some guy named Fabrezzio play synth out front of our hotel. We climbed the mountain of Emerald Bay.
San Francisco/Vermont/Montreal August 2014
This was the other trip I won on The Price Is Right. I took my friend Adam, this trip was super great we did so much site seeing we saw Union Square, art markets, Coin Tower, Lombard Street, Golden Gate Bridge, Golden Gate Park. I picked the trip during Outside Lands Festival which was amazing because we got to see Arctic Monkeys, Death Cab For Cutie, Chromeo, Cut Copy, Lykke Li, The Killers, etc. It was a super dope trip.

New Hampshire, Maine, Boston November 2014

New York December 2014
My gf and I went to New York for my 25th birthday to go see Michael Cera's play This Is Out Youth afterwards we met him after the play. It was amazing. We stayed at HI-NY again, we went to Williamsburg again and hung out with my friend Luis at Silent Barn, We did a lot of site seeing around NY the next day seeing the Statue Of Liberty, 9/11 memorial, Time Square, The Seinfeld restaurant and ate there. It was a nice trip.
Philly/Harpers Ferry/DC February 2015

Seattle/Portland May 2015I took a bus from Baltimore to Seattle by myself. It was an amazing experience. This was the furthest I have ever gone by myself, and by far the longest I have ever sat on a bus for. It was a 3 day bus ride. While I was out in Seattle I went to the Space Needle, Pioneer Square, Pike Place Market, etc. I also checked out the awesome town Capitol Hill. That was great. I than used a $25 Greyhound voucher I won (via FB contest) and took a bus to Portland, Oregon. I stayed at the hostel there for free as well. I walked all over the city. I went to Voodoo Donuts, Kit Kat Club, Powell Books, and enjoyed the nature of the outer city. I than flew back home, originally going to bus back to Baltimore
instead that plan was changed after a new friend paid for my flight back. This trip was fantastic!
Miscellaneous trips
I definitely missed a few trips in this timeline, such as going to Coney Island in summer 2010 for Siren Festival, other random NY and Philly trips. Going to Toronto in 2011 with Mike taking a boat to Century Island (Nude Beach) and hanging out in the Lakeview bar for a solid week, staying in a hotel in Tulsa, Oaklahoma for the night as well as passing through many other states
States I have stepped foot in.
Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon Pennsylvania, Rhode Island South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington West Virginia, Wisconsin.
Ontario, Quebec.
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