LA, California (The Main Story).

Thom, Me, Anthony.

My California trip was a huge life lesson for me. I've always wanted to go to CA to see it in person and experience it and what I got out of it was huge. I left Baltimore the end of July and stayed in LA till the start of November. I went with my two friends (Mike & Thom) we caught the Greyhound out and stayed with a crazy bitchy woman named Amy who overcharged us the whole time we were there. We lived in North Hollywood area.

We did a lot fun things like mountain climb where the Hollywood sign is, went to Venice and gone swimming in the Pacific Ocean. Ate amazing Mexican food, and smoked a lot of weed. It was sweet! We Also went everywhere high with our awesome friend Anthony from Ohio for example we waited in a game stop stoned for 4 hours for the new GTA5 to be released and free Chipotle was served! We baked out our bathroom and drank "weed tea" often. We went late night swimming in our community pool. Life was great. However the location where we were staying made things difficult and the woman Amy just kept on coming up with phony fees to make us pay her more money.  We kept on looking at other sublets but none of them were really what we needed for the situation we were in because we all wanted to live together and stay in a place close to our jobs. So we continued to live there. 

We all got jobs and worked hard to continue to pay rent, I worked random events making money like music festivals, serving at Hollywood rooftop parties, and sitting in kitchens peeling 1000 of lemons, with and for a English ladies company. I also worked at Fossil selling watches and they gave me 2 free watches while working there. I went to free shows at Jimmy Kimmel Live I saw Arctic Monkeys, I saw Dr. Dog at Amoeba, also Matt & kim while working Mad Decent Bloc Party. It was sweet. I was on Let's Make A Deal in the audience, and got to high 5 Wayne Brady! I did other fun things like go to places where movies were filmed like The Graduate and 500 Days Of Summer. I went to The Hollywood Graveyard one night and watched The Graduate movie there as for they show films there regularly.

 I had bad times there too like getting hit by a car on my way to a job interview, punched in the face at a Echo Park Rising music festival, overcharged for rent, dealing with my crazy roommate always yelling at us, being lonely and missing my friends and family. I didn't meet many people while in LA it's not as easy as it would sound. I spent a lot of time laying in bed instead stoned and listening to music or playing video games w/ Mike.

I went to a couple of parties the last month I was there I went to karaoke drunk with Mike's co workers, I hiked a mountain drunk with my co work at 1 am. I was also sent a postcard from a very sweet customer from China. I helped out and she asked if we could be pen pal buddies. It started to become the end of the month of October, Thom was moving back to Baltimore, Mike was moving in with his co workers and I had no where to go. I didn't want to stay with Amy.

Thom was packing his things Amy told him he owed her another $40 and she blocked the door so he couldn't catch his plane till he payed her but he refused to put up with her shit so she called over her friend who is a former World Champion in Soccer named Dema and he tried fighting Thom it was so ridiculous so he finally payed her and that's when I knew I needed to pack my things so I secretly did and left the night of Halloween and moved in with two gay men who were doing drugs, they were creeps, it was very weird and I didn't like it at all so I slept on his couch for a night without paying him then the next day Nov 1st I took everything I owned and carried it everywhere with me including work. I was let off early and did some sublet hunting but couldn't find anything so last minute so

I stayed awake all night in the Red Line Station, all my things next to me then I spent the next day just trying to find a hidden place to leave my things and sleep but had no where to turn to so I sat in a Starbucks and charged all my items and hung out with this amazing girl Jasmine I was sorta seeing occasionally, she helped me out so much I really enjoyed her around me, she was headed to San Diego or she would of let me stay with her so meanwhile my grandmother called me and told me I should head down to Florida to stay with a family friend for the month of November, so my mind was so rusty from not sleeping for 2 days so I agreed to it, I looked up the next bus and it was a day away so I stayed awake another night and caught that one out around 3pm by then I could of died from sleeping exhaustion (joke) but I was basically dead tired.

I bought a bus ticket the day of and went to the terminal in down town LA and headed out. It was a great sight seeing experience till my bus caught on fire in Knife City New Mexico some old cowboy came out of no where and grabbed our fire extinguisher and put it out, I sat in that town for 7 hours I was so exhausted I slept most of it. I caught a bus and continued to go and met some weirdo's like a blind guy claiming he was Ray Charles. A Indian man asking if I wanted to go in business with him in Miami, and a nerdy guy named Dan who showed me his architectural work and his plans to remodel the cities in Ohio. It was a great trip. I was given a voucher to pay for my expenses to go back to Baltimore which is amazing news, It also allowed me to step foot in the 30th state I've been to aka Arkansas and now I just made it to FL and plan to live a fun November.


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