The Year Of Retirement And Travel
The Year
This year has been one big vacation for me. I really felt as if I was living the retired life. I got to do so much in only 12 months with the person I love right by my side. Some things this blog includes my time on tv such as The Price Is Right, The Today Show, Veep, and a phone call from MTV. I got to visit 20 states this year. I saved up more than 3 grand. I became CPR certified. I continued my 8th year of being a vegetarian, and I dated a girl I love for all of this year, this year has been an adventure
Top 5 moments for me this year:
1. The airing of The Price Is Right episode
2. Making it to 1 year with my girlfriend
3. Lake Tahoe/San Fran trips
4. Burlington/Montreal trip
5. We Are Scientists show in Atlanta
Work Ethics:
Truthfully I barely worked and the little amount of work I did do this year brought me a long way.
1) I worked at HI - Baltimore for a solid 1 year. I worked the weekend overnight shifts then that became draining very quick so half way I stopped and I was presented the official events coordinator position as well as being "on-call" here and there. My job consisted of me giving tours around the city, taking travelers out on late-night pub crawls, as well going to concerts with the guest. The least I can say is this job has been incredible! Not to mention the benefit of being able to stay at any HI in the world for free.
2) Volunteering at the Baltimore BNote Green Currency (again). It's no secret I love Baltimore, I also love working within the community and helping out Non-profits. The BNote allows me to do all of that sure it's all volunteer and I'm not getting paid but it's all going to an amazing cause. I tabled events with the BNote this year such as Artscape, EcoFest, etc. I went to meetings, I also recruited a few new businesses that now accept BNotes. This is a big deal to me because it makes me believe I am making a difference in Baltimore's community and economy by teaching people why it's important to spend local.
3) I had so many job interviews this year it was insane! I had major job interviews this year (Amerigroup, Living Classroom, etc.), offers from medical centers to some of the biggest non-profits in America with offers starting at making 50K a year. I suited up, and sucked up. Half of them panned out with an offer but with my schedule I had to decline them, all of them said I had a great personality and an great resume. The biggest problem why I didn't get all the offers is because I don't have my BA and I was in a very, very competitive field with the job interviews I had. This is all great news because it helped me learn a lot about the work world. It taught me how to prep for an interview, as well as what to say, and how to make my resume of value to certain employers without having a BA. It also gave me the whole year off to really relax, and I strongly enjoyed it and was able to get a lot of things I wanted done.
WOW going back to school again was definitely an experience of hard work, studying my ass off, and making sure all my assignments were in on time. This year I realized the value of a degree. Some people say degree's really aren't important. I think it actually depends what type of jobs you're looking for and how flexible your degree is to match with some jobs. You need to be quick and wise in the business world to make it. I'm still working on my associates however as I said previously I had many, many big jobs interviews this year. All of my interviews they said I had a great resume, and super fitting personality. I just didn't have the degree to get them to accept me. The fact that I got all these amazing jobs interviews was incredible. It's just a competitive world with people who are just like you but have the extra skill or degree over you.
Don't get me wrong I am very pleased with being a volunteer at The Baltimore BNote for 2 years now, and having the work experience of working at Hosteling International as Front Desk, and an Events Coordinator for a year. I'm just saying it's also great to reach out. Go bigger, and get a degree worth having for the dream job you want.
20 states in 12 months.
I managed to go through and to 20 states in America within only 12 months while on a budget.
I went to and through the following:
(MD, DE, PA, NJ, NY, VA, WV, NC, SC, GA, FL, CT, MA, RI, VT, NH, ME, UT, NV, CA)
I also made plenty of stops in DC this year, and one awesome trip to Montreal, Que'bec, Canada.
I am so pleased with how often I get to travel. I really have to give a lot of credit to working for Hosteling International. When you work for them you can stay practically at any HI in the world for free. I also used Couch Surfers this year which is another super helpful travel tool as well. The trips I won on The Price Is Right definitely helped too.
I also made my life's goal closer by stepping foot and breathing air in 6 states I've never been to before which would be UT, NV, NH, VT, RI, ME.
My ultimate goal is to make it to all 50 states in America by the age of 30, I'm at 36, and I just turned 25. I can definitely do this within the 5 years I have left. After I do this I plan to join the All 50 Club and get my certificate!
January: Show Time!
The start of the year was so crazy for me. It was as if all my dreams came true in life. I just started dating my beautiful girlfriend. I just started working for an organization that I have loved since I was 19 (Hosteling International) and of course the episode of me winning The Price Is Right was January 17h. I watched it in the hostels living room with some of my most favorite people (Dana, Morgan, Kyle, Navi) and other random guests that were there. It was amazing and kinda funny because I wore the exact same outfit with the exact same mustache when I won. Then having different newspapers, podcasts, and radio stations interviewing me about my win. It was a super awesome month for me.
I should also mention my favorite band's lead singer answered me on a Reddit chat that month.
"WAS (Reddit Chat)
I just asked We Are Scientists singer if he remembered getting drunk with me in Metro Galleries parking lot, then me giving him my college ID. He replied...
K: I do remember that, mainly because I use that ID every time I'm detained by police. Take my advice, James, steer clear of New York State. The cops here are going to have some questions that you do NOT have the answers to."
Of course my winning video
February: Philly/NY/& More
I started exploring into my relationship with my girlfriend more and traveled. We took a quick trip to Havre De Grace and walked around the pier and boardwalk, then we drove to Philly together one morning, and had an amazing trip. We had the most delicious foot on planet earth at Govinda's. I had this best vegan Philly cheese stake ever. I nutted myself at least twice while eating it. We walked around the city and enjoyed it. I took a nap in Kim's car because I was so sleepy from the night before and we took photos together.
We also went to NY together and that was my first time using the advantages of HI. They gave us a private room with our own shower, a queen sized bed, and a flat screen TV. This was Kim's first time in NY. we walked around Central Park, I showed her Time Square. We went to Williamsburg and got the world's best Pad Thai ever!
I also started school.
March: Running and Tickets
The month of March was work. I was working the overnight shift (11:30pm-7:30am) on Fridays and Saturdays. I was going to school Tuesdays and Thursdays, and Mondays, Wednesdays, and Sundays I was sleeping so it was tough. This hard work would later pay off for me. I bought my tickets to see WAS April 18th, I cashed in on my Greyhound Voucher very last minute to head to Florida with Kim for a wedding. I also ran 8 miles, burnt 9.14.1 calories in 1 hour which was nice too.
April: Beach Weather Florida
I got on the bus to St. Pertersburg, Florida April 1st. It was a fun ride. I was sitting outside of a bus terminal in NC and these guys were in the middle of the ghetto dressed in religious outfits with megaphones preaching at the Greyhound bus station. It was so funny. I made it to FL and stayed with this guyJosh who has been to 44 states in America and did a comic of every state he's visited. He was truly cool. I explored St. Pete (Kim's home town) with Kim and went to her friends wedding. I also stayed with Kim and her family for a night and they made me a huge delicious dinner.
I went and saw the Cherry Blossom in DC with her.
We also went to see WAS in DC. Kim got us kicked out for sneaking in an open container of alcohol into the show. She promised to make it up to me. So she drove us to Atlanta the next month and paid for my ticket.
May: Atlanta/Ashville Smiles
We drove to Atlanta together after I just got off of work, the trip was fun driving down. It was a really great bonding moment. I messaged some guy on Couch Surfers and we stayed at his super nice house. We than made it to the venue The Earl. We walked across the street and got Pad Thai. We than saw PAWS, than We Are Scientists and of course met them. Their performance was the best I ever seen. It was just too good. They were so, so on target this time with the whole performance. We also went to Ashville and hangout at Ashville Pizza Company which is literally the coolest restaurant I have ever been to. We drove all the way up to the top of the Blue Ridge Mountains, and then we drove home. It was an amazing trip. We also celebrated Memorial Day at Harpers Ferry hiking the application trail and going out the beautiful views there too. It was a really nice month.
This is actually a video of our amazing trip! Check it out
June: Summer Time
I spent summer time at an ease. I finished the over night shift at the hostel and became an events coordinator. I now was giving tours at the hostel, and pub crawls, etc. I went to a Say Anything show with Kim and Kyle that was awesome. I went to the Baltimore Bike Party with my friend James without seeing him since he moved to Vermont. I went to Italian Festival with friends too. It was relaxed. I also had some friends from England come in town. I originally met them in Toronto in 2010 and they randomly messaged me on Couch Surfers and asked to stay with us for the week. It was such an awesome time hosting them
July: Plane To GO!
I celebrated 4th of July watching the fireworks in DC. I went to Ocean City 5th of July and saw their fireworks since it got rained out for OC the night before. I went to Assateague Island 6th of July and walked around the beach with wild horses. I took my first ever plane ride to Reno, NV. I had a pit stop in Salt Lake City, UT. Thom and I made it to NV and had the most amazing, incredible, 100% the best experience of all time. The hotel they gave us was the best, the unlimited free alcohol and popcorn was amazing, the memories and all the fun we had was incredible. Especially hitch hiking than playing $400 worth of golf with the guy I hitch hiked with. Also climbing down the huge mountain of Emerald Bay. I also biked 34 miles on the NCR trail that month, so much fun.
August: Outside LANDS! TRAVEL!
I than took my other trip to San Francisco with Adam. That was such a fun experience. We did so, so much. We saw all the things you must see while you're there such as the Gold Gate Bridge, Coin Tower, and Lombard Street Curve. I also planned this around the time of Outside Lands Music Festival we didn't get tickets because it was sold out but we watched from outside of the festival. We saw Death Cab, Arctic Monkeys, Chromeo, etc. We went on a boat tour of Alcatraz. We also went and saw Ms. Doubtfires House the night Robin Williams died. It was insane!
Kim and I hiked sugarloaf August 15th
Kim and I went camping Shanadoah Valley State Park and hiked Old Rag the next day August 24th
We than drove off to Burlington, VT to go visit James we stayed in CT that night with Kim's peace core friend and had a wild night together. We hit the road drove to Brattlesboro, VT which I think may be the coolest city I have ever been to in my entire life. We made it to Burlington and had an awesome time catching up with each other, we drove up to Montreal, Que'bec, Canada and explored that place together. We than drove home from an exciting month of traveling
September: Excitement
I continued giving tours at the hostel, the travelers would buy me food, and drinks randomly when I gave tours it was awesome. I really was enjoying my job a lot more. MTV called me one day while I was giving a tour and told me they wanted me for a tv show about story telling. I submitted an entry video with them and they told me they would contact me next year about the show, that everything else is still being worked out. I also went to Transmodern Festival this month. It was so amazing the performance art and visuals were by far the absolute best I have ever seen. If you want to see some of the craziest art of all time than Transmodern is that place. I also went to stand up paddle boarding with my college class. It was a cool assignment. This was a fun month. I also got to see LONE a musician I have very much enjoy perform this year at U-Street Music Hall. That was a great performance.
October: SHOWZ
The month of October The Shaky Experience started to reform which was really cool because I enjoy playing live. We played at Shockwave Records and played a really great set. We crowd surfed my life sized cut out cardboard Bill Clinton playing the sax. I did background work on set of Veep which was awesome! I moved into an apartment with my girlfriend. I played a free show at Club K with The Shaky Experience. I went and saw Roomrunner and Dope Body's double album release party. I also made it to my 8th year of being a vegetarian!
November: Last Minute Trip
Mike just bought a car in VA. We had to pick it up so we took a train to DC and sat into an acrobat school, and we caught a cab to VA to pick up his car. He then wanted to visit his friend in Exeter, NH so we drove up the coast made it to Cape Cod stayed with his friend Bobby on his parents farm. We stopped by Providence, RI for a short bit. We left that morning and made it to Kittery, ME while we waited for his friend John to get back to his home in Exeter. We met up with John he took us to an awesome beach in NH. We than drove down to Boston and partied at a dance club that night, we than crashed at a Frat House there, got breakfast went back to NH. Went back to Boston to drop John off at the airport than headed home.
December: Birthday
I went and saw Michael Cere's new play This Is Our Youth for my 25th birthday. I also got to meet him and he wished me a happy birthday. We stayed at HI - NY again. We ate at Tom's Restaurant (Seinfeld restaurant). We went to China Town, SOHO, Rough Trade Records, in Williamsburg. It was a super awesome birthday and fun trip to end out my year.
I worked on Veep which was super cool too! I also went to the Friends Records 5 year anniversary show, and this show was such a big deal to me seeing all the bands The Shaky Experience played with just a few years ago. It was a ton of great bands split up, and reformed new bands, and other bands we looked up to, and some we opened up for all in one show. Seeing Weekends head line was the greatest thing ever because they nailed it when it comes to what Baltimore is, and what the sound of Baltimore sounds like. It was truly great show and night.
What's Next!
I definitely want to continue traveling and come closer to reaching my goal of going to all 50 states in America by the age of 30. I want to work on tv and media more. I want to continue to pursue things in life that make me happy. I feel I still have so much more to learn and do in life, and I feel good and ready to take on the challenge. Of course I will be moving to another state. I got a job offer at a hostel in New Orleans to end off my year so maybe that's the place, but maybe not. Hopefully I visit another country too. I'm ready for it all.
My Girlfriend
Kim and I have had an amazing adventure together as a couple this year. We have explored each others strong points and weaknesses but at the end of everyday since being together we have been there for each other. We now have spent a year together and we have gone everywhere. We have traveled so far with each other and worked so hard for one another. That's what I think has built this into such a strong relationship. She is more than just the girl I love. She's been my best friend this year too.
Top 5 music picks
Panda Bear - Mix Tape
Michael Cera - True That
Real Estate - Atlas
Lone - Reality Testing
We Are Scientists - TV En Francis
Real Estate - Crime
Caribou - Can't Do Without You
Julian Casablancas & The Voidz - Human Sadness
The Drums - I Can't Pretend
The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart - Art Smock
Extra bands that put out stuff I enjoyed this year.
Karen O
Simian Mobile Disco
Thank you for reading my yearly blog! If you like you can follow me at @jameslanee
This year has been one big vacation for me. I really felt as if I was living the retired life. I got to do so much in only 12 months with the person I love right by my side. Some things this blog includes my time on tv such as The Price Is Right, The Today Show, Veep, and a phone call from MTV. I got to visit 20 states this year. I saved up more than 3 grand. I became CPR certified. I continued my 8th year of being a vegetarian, and I dated a girl I love for all of this year, this year has been an adventure
Top 5 moments for me this year:

2. Making it to 1 year with my girlfriend
3. Lake Tahoe/San Fran trips
4. Burlington/Montreal trip
5. We Are Scientists show in Atlanta
Work Ethics:
Truthfully I barely worked and the little amount of work I did do this year brought me a long way.
1) I worked at HI - Baltimore for a solid 1 year. I worked the weekend overnight shifts then that became draining very quick so half way I stopped and I was presented the official events coordinator position as well as being "on-call" here and there. My job consisted of me giving tours around the city, taking travelers out on late-night pub crawls, as well going to concerts with the guest. The least I can say is this job has been incredible! Not to mention the benefit of being able to stay at any HI in the world for free.
2) Volunteering at the Baltimore BNote Green Currency (again). It's no secret I love Baltimore, I also love working within the community and helping out Non-profits. The BNote allows me to do all of that sure it's all volunteer and I'm not getting paid but it's all going to an amazing cause. I tabled events with the BNote this year such as Artscape, EcoFest, etc. I went to meetings, I also recruited a few new businesses that now accept BNotes. This is a big deal to me because it makes me believe I am making a difference in Baltimore's community and economy by teaching people why it's important to spend local.
3) I had so many job interviews this year it was insane! I had major job interviews this year (Amerigroup, Living Classroom, etc.), offers from medical centers to some of the biggest non-profits in America with offers starting at making 50K a year. I suited up, and sucked up. Half of them panned out with an offer but with my schedule I had to decline them, all of them said I had a great personality and an great resume. The biggest problem why I didn't get all the offers is because I don't have my BA and I was in a very, very competitive field with the job interviews I had. This is all great news because it helped me learn a lot about the work world. It taught me how to prep for an interview, as well as what to say, and how to make my resume of value to certain employers without having a BA. It also gave me the whole year off to really relax, and I strongly enjoyed it and was able to get a lot of things I wanted done.
WOW going back to school again was definitely an experience of hard work, studying my ass off, and making sure all my assignments were in on time. This year I realized the value of a degree. Some people say degree's really aren't important. I think it actually depends what type of jobs you're looking for and how flexible your degree is to match with some jobs. You need to be quick and wise in the business world to make it. I'm still working on my associates however as I said previously I had many, many big jobs interviews this year. All of my interviews they said I had a great resume, and super fitting personality. I just didn't have the degree to get them to accept me. The fact that I got all these amazing jobs interviews was incredible. It's just a competitive world with people who are just like you but have the extra skill or degree over you.
Don't get me wrong I am very pleased with being a volunteer at The Baltimore BNote for 2 years now, and having the work experience of working at Hosteling International as Front Desk, and an Events Coordinator for a year. I'm just saying it's also great to reach out. Go bigger, and get a degree worth having for the dream job you want.
20 states in 12 months.
I managed to go through and to 20 states in America within only 12 months while on a budget.
I went to and through the following:
(MD, DE, PA, NJ, NY, VA, WV, NC, SC, GA, FL, CT, MA, RI, VT, NH, ME, UT, NV, CA)
I also made plenty of stops in DC this year, and one awesome trip to Montreal, Que'bec, Canada.
I am so pleased with how often I get to travel. I really have to give a lot of credit to working for Hosteling International. When you work for them you can stay practically at any HI in the world for free. I also used Couch Surfers this year which is another super helpful travel tool as well. The trips I won on The Price Is Right definitely helped too.
I also made my life's goal closer by stepping foot and breathing air in 6 states I've never been to before which would be UT, NV, NH, VT, RI, ME.
My ultimate goal is to make it to all 50 states in America by the age of 30, I'm at 36, and I just turned 25. I can definitely do this within the 5 years I have left. After I do this I plan to join the All 50 Club and get my certificate!
January: Show Time!

I should also mention my favorite band's lead singer answered me on a Reddit chat that month.
"WAS (Reddit Chat)
I just asked We Are Scientists singer if he remembered getting drunk with me in Metro Galleries parking lot, then me giving him my college ID. He replied...
K: I do remember that, mainly because I use that ID every time I'm detained by police. Take my advice, James, steer clear of New York State. The cops here are going to have some questions that you do NOT have the answers to."
Of course my winning video
February: Philly/NY/& More

We also went to NY together and that was my first time using the advantages of HI. They gave us a private room with our own shower, a queen sized bed, and a flat screen TV. This was Kim's first time in NY. we walked around Central Park, I showed her Time Square. We went to Williamsburg and got the world's best Pad Thai ever!
I also started school.
March: Running and Tickets
The month of March was work. I was working the overnight shift (11:30pm-7:30am) on Fridays and Saturdays. I was going to school Tuesdays and Thursdays, and Mondays, Wednesdays, and Sundays I was sleeping so it was tough. This hard work would later pay off for me. I bought my tickets to see WAS April 18th, I cashed in on my Greyhound Voucher very last minute to head to Florida with Kim for a wedding. I also ran 8 miles, burnt 9.14.1 calories in 1 hour which was nice too.
April: Beach Weather Florida

I went and saw the Cherry Blossom in DC with her.
We also went to see WAS in DC. Kim got us kicked out for sneaking in an open container of alcohol into the show. She promised to make it up to me. So she drove us to Atlanta the next month and paid for my ticket.
May: Atlanta/Ashville Smiles
We drove to Atlanta together after I just got off of work, the trip was fun driving down. It was a really great bonding moment. I messaged some guy on Couch Surfers and we stayed at his super nice house. We than made it to the venue The Earl. We walked across the street and got Pad Thai. We than saw PAWS, than We Are Scientists and of course met them. Their performance was the best I ever seen. It was just too good. They were so, so on target this time with the whole performance. We also went to Ashville and hangout at Ashville Pizza Company which is literally the coolest restaurant I have ever been to. We drove all the way up to the top of the Blue Ridge Mountains, and then we drove home. It was an amazing trip. We also celebrated Memorial Day at Harpers Ferry hiking the application trail and going out the beautiful views there too. It was a really nice month.
This is actually a video of our amazing trip! Check it out

I spent summer time at an ease. I finished the over night shift at the hostel and became an events coordinator. I now was giving tours at the hostel, and pub crawls, etc. I went to a Say Anything show with Kim and Kyle that was awesome. I went to the Baltimore Bike Party with my friend James without seeing him since he moved to Vermont. I went to Italian Festival with friends too. It was relaxed. I also had some friends from England come in town. I originally met them in Toronto in 2010 and they randomly messaged me on Couch Surfers and asked to stay with us for the week. It was such an awesome time hosting them
July: Plane To GO!

August: Outside LANDS! TRAVEL!

Kim and I hiked sugarloaf August 15th
Kim and I went camping Shanadoah Valley State Park and hiked Old Rag the next day August 24th

September: Excitement
I continued giving tours at the hostel, the travelers would buy me food, and drinks randomly when I gave tours it was awesome. I really was enjoying my job a lot more. MTV called me one day while I was giving a tour and told me they wanted me for a tv show about story telling. I submitted an entry video with them and they told me they would contact me next year about the show, that everything else is still being worked out. I also went to Transmodern Festival this month. It was so amazing the performance art and visuals were by far the absolute best I have ever seen. If you want to see some of the craziest art of all time than Transmodern is that place. I also went to stand up paddle boarding with my college class. It was a cool assignment. This was a fun month. I also got to see LONE a musician I have very much enjoy perform this year at U-Street Music Hall. That was a great performance.
October: SHOWZ

November: Last Minute Trip
Mike just bought a car in VA. We had to pick it up so we took a train to DC and sat into an acrobat school, and we caught a cab to VA to pick up his car. He then wanted to visit his friend in Exeter, NH so we drove up the coast made it to Cape Cod stayed with his friend Bobby on his parents farm. We stopped by Providence, RI for a short bit. We left that morning and made it to Kittery, ME while we waited for his friend John to get back to his home in Exeter. We met up with John he took us to an awesome beach in NH. We than drove down to Boston and partied at a dance club that night, we than crashed at a Frat House there, got breakfast went back to NH. Went back to Boston to drop John off at the airport than headed home.
December: Birthday
I went and saw Michael Cere's new play This Is Our Youth for my 25th birthday. I also got to meet him and he wished me a happy birthday. We stayed at HI - NY again. We ate at Tom's Restaurant (Seinfeld restaurant). We went to China Town, SOHO, Rough Trade Records, in Williamsburg. It was a super awesome birthday and fun trip to end out my year.
I worked on Veep which was super cool too! I also went to the Friends Records 5 year anniversary show, and this show was such a big deal to me seeing all the bands The Shaky Experience played with just a few years ago. It was a ton of great bands split up, and reformed new bands, and other bands we looked up to, and some we opened up for all in one show. Seeing Weekends head line was the greatest thing ever because they nailed it when it comes to what Baltimore is, and what the sound of Baltimore sounds like. It was truly great show and night.
What's Next!
I definitely want to continue traveling and come closer to reaching my goal of going to all 50 states in America by the age of 30. I want to work on tv and media more. I want to continue to pursue things in life that make me happy. I feel I still have so much more to learn and do in life, and I feel good and ready to take on the challenge. Of course I will be moving to another state. I got a job offer at a hostel in New Orleans to end off my year so maybe that's the place, but maybe not. Hopefully I visit another country too. I'm ready for it all.
My Girlfriend
Kim and I have had an amazing adventure together as a couple this year. We have explored each others strong points and weaknesses but at the end of everyday since being together we have been there for each other. We now have spent a year together and we have gone everywhere. We have traveled so far with each other and worked so hard for one another. That's what I think has built this into such a strong relationship. She is more than just the girl I love. She's been my best friend this year too.
Top 5 music picks
Panda Bear - Mix Tape
Michael Cera - True That
Real Estate - Atlas
Lone - Reality Testing
We Are Scientists - TV En Francis
Real Estate - Crime
Caribou - Can't Do Without You
Julian Casablancas & The Voidz - Human Sadness
The Drums - I Can't Pretend
The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart - Art Smock
Extra bands that put out stuff I enjoyed this year.
Karen O
Simian Mobile Disco
Thank you for reading my yearly blog! If you like you can follow me at @jameslanee
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