2015 Highlights
2015 Overview
This year has been one huge learning lesson, with a great deal of adventures. I curated a list of goals I wanted to accomplish by the end of the 2015, all of those goals have been conquered. It was a rough year with lots of ups and downs and big decisions to be made. Although, everyday wasn't the best I tried to make the best out of it. I did enjoy a lot of extensive traveling and sight seeing, as well as being able to participate more in the media and entertainment industry. I was fortunate to go to a lot of great shows I wanted to see, and was able to play a lot of great show with my band and my solo act. 2015 was the year of learning and strategizing for me.
The highlights of 2015:
1. Busing to Seattle/Portland from Baltimore
2. Driving to Chicago 4th of July week/end
3. Completing the half marathon of the Baltimore Running Festival
4. Seeing We Are Scientists in Philly
5. Hosting/performing awesome Baltimore Hostel shows and having City Paper/BMoreArt stop by and post about them.
This month started off rough. After a recent breakup between my girlfriend and me, I wasn't sure where I was going next in life. I started living staying at the hostel more. I hung out with guests, took them out on pub crawls, ate, drank, and I even hosted the first ever Baltimore Hostel show featuring Jack Topht + Little Cake, Frank Hurricane, and my solo debut as Pelvis Presley, it went very well! I started applying to different hostels around America. I got a few offers one being in New Orleans that seemed like a better offer, but instead I decided to stay put and see what happens. I hung out with my two best friends Mike and Thom more often. We went out for pizza, shot pool, and went to shows. It was a cool, it reminded me of old times of living with these two knuckleheads in LA. Kim reached back out to me to settle our differences. We started seeing each other again, and not long after that we started living together again, and I started going back to school. This was the start of my year.
Here is a video of my debut as a solo performer
Pelvis Presley
It felt much more in place. I felt I was able to start my year off right. Kim and I were official again, the Patriots just won the Superbowl, and I felt it was time make some important changes. The beginning of the month I did stand up comedy at The Crown, hosted by two guys who are producers for Adult Swim (Too Many Cooks, Rare Unedited Footage Of A Beer). It went very well, I got some great laughs from the crowd. Tom Green gave a shout out to my friend Kyle and I via Facebook while in Baltimore, that was dope! I co-hosted the second hostel show with myself, Frank Hurricane, and 3 noise bands from Boston, that was a blow out, but it was a learning experience to know what to do better in the future with the shows. I turned the hostel into a BNote cambio where you can exchange US dollars to BNotes at any time. It's the first ever 24/7 local currency "bank". People were very interested in exchanging money, and spending locally. I started doing marketing for the BNote a lot more, and went out canvasing to the 200 businesses in the directory and setting up business meetings on how we could improve, and what they want out of us as a business. It went very well, and breathed a lot of new life into the BNote. The day before Valentine's day I booked Kim and I a stay at Apple Hostel, we went sight seeing and bar hoping all night. It was lots of fun, we even stopped at Mac's Tavern where it's Always Sunny In Philadelphia is filmed. I also co-starred in an indie film called "We One" which I worked on set all day. It will be released in 2016. This month was a very fun, productive month for me.
I hosted the most fun, successful, exciting hostel show yet, on March 7th. It was Known Ghost, DaikonDaikon, Arab Spring, and Pelvis Presley. It couldn't of gone any better! Everyone was so receptive, the music was perfect, it was a ton of fun and brought back a great relationship between Alex and Mac. Everyone absolutely loved it, and it was put on #BmoreArt.com as a top pick to go see! I also recruited Cafe Sage to accept BNotes, and to become our weekly BNote meeting place. I went to go see 2/4 of the members of Animal Collective at Ottobar. I hiked Harper's Ferry with Kim and Bailey, which was an excited mini trip, to explore the historic town there. It was thriller month to live.
Bmore Art Promo
Best Of Pelvis
I started the month out with a job interview as a social media specialist, unfortunately I didn't get it but they took my expert idea's on how to promote themselves better. The bright side is it was for a focus group company and I wouldn't of been able to participate in focus groups anymore if I got it. #EasyMoney. After putting lots of time and effort back into the BNote, we were contacted by a guy named Chris who's goal was to only live off BNotes for an entire week. He contacted me to meet at the hostel and exchange him $330 BNotes for $300 US dollars. It was super cool, on the last day him and I met up and he interviewed me on BNotes and the concept. We both paid in full in BNotes that entire day, eating dinner at Golden West, drink beers at Liam Flynn's, and eating desert at OutTakes all in BNotes. The BNote team also tabled a Pop Up Market, and Eco Fest which was a ton of fun and very successful. I went drinking with my boss before work, we went and watched at Arsenal game at Abby's Bistro, it was packed with soccer fans! My boss also took out my coworkers and I to a baseball game 4/12, it was fantastic! I than hosted a huge hostel show line up featuring Raindeer, Surf Harp, Sean Michael Wilson Band, and Pelvis Presley. This was massive! A girl from City Paper came out to take photos, BMoreArt did another review on the shows, and Kind Bars sponsored the event by providing tons of boxes of Kind Bars for free. It was an amazing times and I couldn't be anymore thankful for the support I ended the month by going to Ocean City to visit my sick grandfather, and while I was there I visited my cousin and his girlfriend. We all went out on the beach and enjoyed the night. The next day we saw on the news about the Freddie Grey incident. This caused Baltimore to go through many adversities, and showed Baltimore as being a bad city to be in by the media. I was invited to play an out door festival called #ThisIsBaltimore where I played a solo acoustic set. It had a great turn out and put light to our city once again.
I started planning a trip to Seattle to accomplish some of my goals for 2015. I originally wanted to go to Sasquatch Music Festival, however it was super far out from the actual city of Seattle but I was in Seattle the weekend of that festival. I left Baltimore at 1am, and took a bus to Seattle. It was a very, very, very, very long bus ride (3 days exactly), but it was so worth it because I got to stop and see so many states I've never been to before, it was absolutely amazing. Montana was by far my favorite place we drove through, watching the sun rise was incredible there. I stayed at HI-Seattle for free. I explored the town, went to a free folk festival, went out drinking in Capitol Hill. It was absolutely amazing! A new friend than reached out to me and asked if I planned on busing back I said yes, and he said he rather I fly back, and he bought my ticket back to Baltimore. I asked if I could extend my stay by visiting Portland and stay at the hostel out there, and that truly was the highlight of my 2015 was going to Portland. I started it by using a $25 Greyhound Voucher I won in December on a GH FB contest. I had the best time in the world there, I was so happy and did so many cool things in only two days. I went hiking, I went on a brewery tour of Rogue Brewery and met a guy who also won The Price Is Right back in 2007. He was staying at the hostel too and was part of the tour. I went to a strip club/late night talk show called The Kit Kat Club, and that the funnest/funniest thing I experienced this year. The comedians, strippers, the talk show part, and music was what made it all so amazing. I did other awesome things like Hoehn's bakery BNote launch, went to MD Film Fest and saw The Wolfpack, saw Lightning Bolt at Floristree, and went to a baseball game with my girlfriend that were basically front row tickets. Lastly an episode of Veep came on during the end of the month where I made an appearance in!

Here's an incredibly awesome performance by TRIMP in Portland (one of my fondest memories)
The Dundalk Eagle did a story on my trip.
Dundalk News
Veep video
Veep Vid
The month started off exciting, knowing ScapeScape was just around the corner, and when it arrived all the venues and spaces were booked up. There was no more room for anymore performers. As it was going on all over the city I wanted to play so I decided to perform in the heart of where ScapeScape takes place which is Station North so I set up my amp and guitar and started playing at The Hess gas station. I played at least 20 songs, and the crowd started watching Pelvis Presley inaction during a fantastic Baltimore DIY music festival. Kim and I also hosted a vegetarian bbq, grilling out back of our apartment for our friends at ScapeScape. The BNote tabled A Taste Of 3 Cities which was very successful. We recruited a few new businesses, and did many exchanges. I also attended Hon Fest catching up with old coworkers and having a few drinks, and enjoying the sun. Lastly I hosted another hostel show featuring The Shaky Experience, Jon Burrier, The Lushpockets, Skull Theft. This one was super intense and by far was the biggest crowd we had gotten. It got a little out of control, but all in all was a fantastic show!
Solo Thing
ScapeScape Hess Gig

This was a jam packed month of things for me to do. It all started off with Kim and I packing our things and Bailey our dog, and driving to Chicago for 4th of July. We made it there after a long road trip and had such a wonderful time. We went brewery hopping, we drank at Lagunitas Tap Room, we walked around Millennium Park, and we watched the fireworks on 4th of July at Montrose Beach. After our trip Kim and I agreed to make a detour to Louisville, Kentucky. I have never been to Kentucky, and this would bring me closer to my goal of stepping foot in all 50 states by the age of 30. This put me at 44 states at the age of 25. Louisville was a lot of fun, the town was really cool, we checked out shops, etc. As we were driving back home we were in West Virginia and it was storming so bad we had to stay at a Motel 6 in the mountains. We finally made it back home safe after that, it was a wild adventure. Artscape was also in this month and I got invited to play at a lot of shows during this time. I played The Foyer which was an awesome basement show, I played Brothers Music which turned out very well, and I got to play Reverb with The Shaky Experience that also went great! Kim and I did a random date night at Heavy Seas Brewery, Mike, Kim, and I walked around North Point State Park which was awesome, I ended the month by going to an Orioles game with my great friend Adam.
BNote Buzz
Best Video Of Your Life
Second Best Video Of Your Life, Seriously
This month is Kim's birthday month, we started it off by buying tickets for Landmark Music Festival in DC in September. We also went to Philly and stayed at Apple Hostel to celebrate the last couple of weeks of her being 26. We went on a pub crawl, sung karaoke, went sight seeing, ate delicious foods. We also took a ferry to Camden, NJ and walked around Rutgers all day, which was also nice and relaxing, and we ended our trip by going to a Magic Hat new beer tasting event. It was super cool, and we got free IPA t-shirts. During this month I also got the Baltimore BNote on the LED Baltimore sign for free, this was one of the proudest moments of this year for me. After working so hard on doing marketing for the BNote I finally got it in the spotlight where everyone got to see it for 2 weeks on the big screen. Kim and I got free passes to Windjammer to see Dan Deacon, Beach House, Future Islands, etc. for free at Pier 6 by helping my friend Kyle flyer the show afterwards. The show was super great, Dan Deacon played a really good set. We finished the month out with Kim's birthday which I took Kim out for dinner, and bought us tickets to go see Death Cab For Cutie and Explosions In The Sky in September at Merriweather.

Me Singing Karaoke
More Solo Stuff
So, so, so many things happened in September! I released my first music video as a solo artist (Pelvis Presley) for the song "Hot Hot Hot". I bought tickets to go to Chicago round trip for $70 with Mike, we went and our first day was a super long day. We had been awake for 20 hours, we stayed at this creepy guy place using Couch Surfers. The next morning I left went to Chicago Museum of Contemp Art and head over to Kim's brother to stay with him and his girlfriend. We watched football, drank beer, I went running and we went to German beer Fest which I got insanely drunk at. The next day I went to Half Acre Brewery drank 3 more beers, got to keep my cup than I puked 14 times, downed some deep dish pizza and caught my plane back to Baltimore, and got ready Death Cab For Cutie and Explosions In The Sky as it was the present I got Kim for her birthday. The show was fantastic, and we had a wonderful time together. This month I also went to Salisbury/Delaware to visit my Grandfather one last time as for I knew he was very sick, and laying on his deathbed. September 5th was the last time I got to see him, I also was able to spend some time with my cousin and his girlfriend during this time too. I went to a bonfire this month where I saw my Dad for the first time this year, he got to finally meet my girlfriend and I got to see a lot of people who were friends with my Mom when she was alive. I also decided to sign up for the Baltimore Running Festival which my work paid for the fee! I had one month to train my ass off. Lastly the month ended with Kim and I going to Landmark Music Festival, it was hot, it was fun. We got to see Dan Deacon, Chromeo, Alt J, The Strokes, etc. It was an awesome festival and I finally got to see The Strokes!
My First EVER Music Video
The month started off as usual. My anniversary of being a vegetarian is October 1st. I now have officially made it to 9 years this year which I'm very proud. I set up another Hostel show featuring Pelvis Presley, A Band Called Forever, Slam & Wallace, and NASAQUAD which was the smallest hostel show I've ever thrown but it still went well. Thom and I went to Transmodern festival and closed out the art parade which was very thrilling. After that we finally got together and started recording our third album which took years, but it finally happened. We first started recording in my basement than went on to Lucky Day to finish off the new album "Sloppy Thirds" 11 new TSE tracks. I also started working on a friends pilot for a show called "How To Become a Model In 28 Days", the same day I worked on a very well known tv show I can't say the name of but when the episode airs next year I can then announce that info, I worked on it with my friend Logan, and after working on two different shows in 12 hours. Logan surprised me with tickets for him and I to go see Beach House at Ottobar that night. We did, the show was super great! John Waters was also standing next to us during most of the night. Kim and I went to Parkway Theater 100th year anniversary which we met John Waters and got to go inside the theater, we sneaked around not realizing it wasn't open to the public, then we were asked to leave. The theater was super amazing!!! I also ran Baltimore Running Festival, which was the first time I ever ran in a race ever. It was a lot of fun I absolutely loved it, and finished 13.1 miles in 1 hour and 52 minutes. Lastly Kim and I celebrated Halloween she was a Boston Terrier, I was Tom Selleck, we went to the Yellow Sign Theater for drinks and a performance, hung out with friends, and ended the night at Brewers Art which was decorated very well. It was an awesome Halloween!
Sweaty Pictures Of Me
The Shaky Experience - Ghosting
Transmodern Pictures
The month started off with Thom and I putting all our efforts into finishing up our new album "Sloppy Thirds". We made a music video for the song "What Is Tropical?". We even got booked on MT6 Fest line up, the fest was absolutely amazing!!! We were the co/headliners and this was our album release date as well. We played almost all of our new songs, and one old song. Many people cheered for us, and I don't think it could have gone any better. November ended crapper, originally was planned to go to Florida but because of a very recent break up with Kim and myself, I stayed in Baltimore and spend Thanksgiving at the hostel played Heads Up with a group from Spain. It wasn't as great of a month as it could of been but it could of been much worse.
What Is Tropical?
Sloppy Thirds Album In Full
The last year of the month started off super exciting for me The Last Shadow Puppets released a trailer to their new album which is scheduled to be released in 2016. This is the best news for me because TLSP first album is one if not my all time favorite album. My birthday was also December 5th, I went out with friends it was cool. My distant cousin gave a ticket to see the Ravens vs Seattle Seahawks December 13th which was super close to the field. The same night Kim and I got back together I booked us a stay at Apple Hostel and we saw my favorite band We Are Scientists. The show was super amazing, Keith and Chris both remembered my name, and it was great catching up with them. They also played a new song, and told me they finished a new album and are looking to release it in April 2016!!! I also finished running for the year, while having Strava down loaded on my phone I ran 200 miles in 40 runs. For our 2 year anniversary Kim got us tickets to see the Ravens vs Kansas City that was also a great time. I took us out to Woodberry Kitchen afterwards. It was a delightful anniversary day. I threw a end of the year hostel show featuring Frasier and The Cranes, A Band Called Forever, Known Ghost, The Shaky Experience. It was phenomenal time, although the show shut down a little bit earlier, all the sets were great and city paper stopped by and took pictures of the show and put it on their website. Lastly I've been spending the holidays with the most important people in my life my cousin, uncle, aunt, grandmother, and girlfriend Kim. I ended Christmas night by going out with my great friends Alex, James, and Kim hammering over 30 beers in Howard's Christmas night. It was a ton of fun, and has been a wonderful way to end our a great year. I also released my solo debut album "Year Of The Pelvis" as Pelvis Presley 12/29/15.

City Paper Hostel Pictures
Year Of The Pelvis
Music picks of 2015
Favorite albums:
1. Neon Indian - VEGA INTL. Night School
2. We Are Scientists - Sous La Mer
3. Panda Bear - Panda Bear Meets The Grim Reaper
4. Lightning Bolt - Fantasy Empire
5. Beach House - Depression Cherry
Favorite songs:
1, Neon Indian - Smut!
2. Beirut - No No No
3. We Are Scientists - Don't Blow It (Under The Sea)
4. The Tallest Man On Earth - Segres
5. Dan Deacon - When I Was Done Dying
Quick music shout outs:
Bachelors Of Science
The Go! Team
Pelvis Presley
The Shaky Experience
I also am extremely excited for The Last Shadow Puppets new album due Spring 2016.
Next years goals!
Get closer to finishing my degree, get my own place again, do more acting gigs, play more shows, eat more fruits and veggies. Get more famous than food.

The highlights of 2015:
1. Busing to Seattle/Portland from Baltimore
2. Driving to Chicago 4th of July week/end
3. Completing the half marathon of the Baltimore Running Festival
4. Seeing We Are Scientists in Philly
5. Hosting/performing awesome Baltimore Hostel shows and having City Paper/BMoreArt stop by and post about them.
This month started off rough. After a recent breakup between my girlfriend and me, I wasn't sure where I was going next in life. I started living staying at the hostel more. I hung out with guests, took them out on pub crawls, ate, drank, and I even hosted the first ever Baltimore Hostel show featuring Jack Topht + Little Cake, Frank Hurricane, and my solo debut as Pelvis Presley, it went very well! I started applying to different hostels around America. I got a few offers one being in New Orleans that seemed like a better offer, but instead I decided to stay put and see what happens. I hung out with my two best friends Mike and Thom more often. We went out for pizza, shot pool, and went to shows. It was a cool, it reminded me of old times of living with these two knuckleheads in LA. Kim reached back out to me to settle our differences. We started seeing each other again, and not long after that we started living together again, and I started going back to school. This was the start of my year.
Here is a video of my debut as a solo performer
Pelvis Presley
It felt much more in place. I felt I was able to start my year off right. Kim and I were official again, the Patriots just won the Superbowl, and I felt it was time make some important changes. The beginning of the month I did stand up comedy at The Crown, hosted by two guys who are producers for Adult Swim (Too Many Cooks, Rare Unedited Footage Of A Beer). It went very well, I got some great laughs from the crowd. Tom Green gave a shout out to my friend Kyle and I via Facebook while in Baltimore, that was dope! I co-hosted the second hostel show with myself, Frank Hurricane, and 3 noise bands from Boston, that was a blow out, but it was a learning experience to know what to do better in the future with the shows. I turned the hostel into a BNote cambio where you can exchange US dollars to BNotes at any time. It's the first ever 24/7 local currency "bank". People were very interested in exchanging money, and spending locally. I started doing marketing for the BNote a lot more, and went out canvasing to the 200 businesses in the directory and setting up business meetings on how we could improve, and what they want out of us as a business. It went very well, and breathed a lot of new life into the BNote. The day before Valentine's day I booked Kim and I a stay at Apple Hostel, we went sight seeing and bar hoping all night. It was lots of fun, we even stopped at Mac's Tavern where it's Always Sunny In Philadelphia is filmed. I also co-starred in an indie film called "We One" which I worked on set all day. It will be released in 2016. This month was a very fun, productive month for me.

Bmore Art Promo
Best Of Pelvis

Originally City Paper pictures
A video from the hostel show
Hostel show top pick
An interview on BNotes
I started planning a trip to Seattle to accomplish some of my goals for 2015. I originally wanted to go to Sasquatch Music Festival, however it was super far out from the actual city of Seattle but I was in Seattle the weekend of that festival. I left Baltimore at 1am, and took a bus to Seattle. It was a very, very, very, very long bus ride (3 days exactly), but it was so worth it because I got to stop and see so many states I've never been to before, it was absolutely amazing. Montana was by far my favorite place we drove through, watching the sun rise was incredible there. I stayed at HI-Seattle for free. I explored the town, went to a free folk festival, went out drinking in Capitol Hill. It was absolutely amazing! A new friend than reached out to me and asked if I planned on busing back I said yes, and he said he rather I fly back, and he bought my ticket back to Baltimore. I asked if I could extend my stay by visiting Portland and stay at the hostel out there, and that truly was the highlight of my 2015 was going to Portland. I started it by using a $25 Greyhound Voucher I won in December on a GH FB contest. I had the best time in the world there, I was so happy and did so many cool things in only two days. I went hiking, I went on a brewery tour of Rogue Brewery and met a guy who also won The Price Is Right back in 2007. He was staying at the hostel too and was part of the tour. I went to a strip club/late night talk show called The Kit Kat Club, and that the funnest/funniest thing I experienced this year. The comedians, strippers, the talk show part, and music was what made it all so amazing. I did other awesome things like Hoehn's bakery BNote launch, went to MD Film Fest and saw The Wolfpack, saw Lightning Bolt at Floristree, and went to a baseball game with my girlfriend that were basically front row tickets. Lastly an episode of Veep came on during the end of the month where I made an appearance in!

Here's an incredibly awesome performance by TRIMP in Portland (one of my fondest memories)
The Dundalk Eagle did a story on my trip.
Dundalk News
Veep video
Veep Vid

Solo Thing
ScapeScape Hess Gig

BNote Buzz
Best Video Of Your Life
Second Best Video Of Your Life, Seriously

Me Singing Karaoke
More Solo Stuff
So, so, so many things happened in September! I released my first music video as a solo artist (Pelvis Presley) for the song "Hot Hot Hot". I bought tickets to go to Chicago round trip for $70 with Mike, we went and our first day was a super long day. We had been awake for 20 hours, we stayed at this creepy guy place using Couch Surfers. The next morning I left went to Chicago Museum of Contemp Art and head over to Kim's brother to stay with him and his girlfriend. We watched football, drank beer, I went running and we went to German beer Fest which I got insanely drunk at. The next day I went to Half Acre Brewery drank 3 more beers, got to keep my cup than I puked 14 times, downed some deep dish pizza and caught my plane back to Baltimore, and got ready Death Cab For Cutie and Explosions In The Sky as it was the present I got Kim for her birthday. The show was fantastic, and we had a wonderful time together. This month I also went to Salisbury/Delaware to visit my Grandfather one last time as for I knew he was very sick, and laying on his deathbed. September 5th was the last time I got to see him, I also was able to spend some time with my cousin and his girlfriend during this time too. I went to a bonfire this month where I saw my Dad for the first time this year, he got to finally meet my girlfriend and I got to see a lot of people who were friends with my Mom when she was alive. I also decided to sign up for the Baltimore Running Festival which my work paid for the fee! I had one month to train my ass off. Lastly the month ended with Kim and I going to Landmark Music Festival, it was hot, it was fun. We got to see Dan Deacon, Chromeo, Alt J, The Strokes, etc. It was an awesome festival and I finally got to see The Strokes!
My First EVER Music Video

Sweaty Pictures Of Me
The Shaky Experience - Ghosting
Transmodern Pictures

What Is Tropical?
Sloppy Thirds Album In Full
The last year of the month started off super exciting for me The Last Shadow Puppets released a trailer to their new album which is scheduled to be released in 2016. This is the best news for me because TLSP first album is one if not my all time favorite album. My birthday was also December 5th, I went out with friends it was cool. My distant cousin gave a ticket to see the Ravens vs Seattle Seahawks December 13th which was super close to the field. The same night Kim and I got back together I booked us a stay at Apple Hostel and we saw my favorite band We Are Scientists. The show was super amazing, Keith and Chris both remembered my name, and it was great catching up with them. They also played a new song, and told me they finished a new album and are looking to release it in April 2016!!! I also finished running for the year, while having Strava down loaded on my phone I ran 200 miles in 40 runs. For our 2 year anniversary Kim got us tickets to see the Ravens vs Kansas City that was also a great time. I took us out to Woodberry Kitchen afterwards. It was a delightful anniversary day. I threw a end of the year hostel show featuring Frasier and The Cranes, A Band Called Forever, Known Ghost, The Shaky Experience. It was phenomenal time, although the show shut down a little bit earlier, all the sets were great and city paper stopped by and took pictures of the show and put it on their website. Lastly I've been spending the holidays with the most important people in my life my cousin, uncle, aunt, grandmother, and girlfriend Kim. I ended Christmas night by going out with my great friends Alex, James, and Kim hammering over 30 beers in Howard's Christmas night. It was a ton of fun, and has been a wonderful way to end our a great year. I also released my solo debut album "Year Of The Pelvis" as Pelvis Presley 12/29/15.

City Paper Hostel Pictures
Year Of The Pelvis
Music picks of 2015
Favorite albums:
1. Neon Indian - VEGA INTL. Night School
2. We Are Scientists - Sous La Mer
3. Panda Bear - Panda Bear Meets The Grim Reaper
4. Lightning Bolt - Fantasy Empire
5. Beach House - Depression Cherry
Favorite songs:
1, Neon Indian - Smut!
2. Beirut - No No No
3. We Are Scientists - Don't Blow It (Under The Sea)
4. The Tallest Man On Earth - Segres
5. Dan Deacon - When I Was Done Dying
Quick music shout outs:
Bachelors Of Science
The Go! Team
Pelvis Presley
The Shaky Experience
I also am extremely excited for The Last Shadow Puppets new album due Spring 2016.
Next years goals!
Get closer to finishing my degree, get my own place again, do more acting gigs, play more shows, eat more fruits and veggies. Get more famous than food.
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