Florida Time

I recently just got back from St. Petersburg, Florida. It was an incredible time. I went to go be with my girlfriend at her best friends wedding, which turned out to be delicious Cuban foods, free booze, and a ton of nice Florida people.

I took the Greyhound from Baltimore to Tampa and back. The trip took me 24 hours each way to get there. It was a exhausting journey but definitely worth it in the end. I paid next to nothing especially when purchasing the tickets only 1 day in advanced! The reason it cost so little was because I used my Greyhound Voucher that GH hooked me up with after the incident with my bus catching on fire.

Anyway after 24 hours leaving Baltimore. I made it to Tampa to be in the presence of my lovely girlfriend. She drove me around, showed me a few sites, and introduced me to her parents. It was fantastic! We met with one of her friends and went to a beach in St. Pete and dipped our feet in the Gulf Of Mexico and relaxed. It was honestly just what I needed after a exhausting school semester. My girlfriend drove me to the guys house who I was staying with for free

Josh Sullivan...

52 Friends!
This guy is truly a inspiring guy, and really opened mind a lot! I really haven't met a guy like this before. He's originally from Michigan but moved to St. Pete when he was really young without knowing anyone and only had $600, and made it!
That's not even the best part...
This guy has been to 44 states in America, and he's only 31!!! He did a HUGE trip called: 52 FRIENDS

This trip was where he saved up a ton of money and decided to travel to as many states as he could for the whole entire year of 2009. He created a magazine for every week in the year (52) to explain where he was and want type of adventures he was getting into. He took the ultimate sabbatical.

Anyway I stayed at his house in St. Pete and exchanged amazing, crazy fun travel stories together. It was so awesome. It really felt cool to talk to someone who lives such a nomad life style and to just enjoy every second. After he gave me a tour of down town

I met up with Kim and her friend for pizza and beer for the reception dinner. It was delicious and fun to meet her friends. Afterwards Kim and I took a rental car she rented and drove it to the darkest beach and had a great night from there.

The next day I went exploring down town St. Pete especially the water front and The Pier. I brought my running shoes and ran around exploring. I later discovered the Salvador Dali museum, which I got into for FREE because of my old museum ID from back when I worked at Geppi's Entertainment Museum. They allow anyone who is a museum employee in for free. So I check it out it was very cool and neat artwork.

I left and would later meet back up with Kim and her friends for First Friday. It's where they cut off a block on a street and make it into a big bloc party. It was super awesome. Lots of drinking, and dancing, of course I did my awkward Baltimore dance moves then eventually came home to stay with Josh one last time as for Kim and I rented a hotel for Saturday night. I wake up Josh and I hangout for a little bit then Kim let's me borrow her mother's car so I am driving around St. Pete and nice Toyota like a G it was very nice feeling. I made it to our hotel checked in and finally made it to the wedding. It was a really fun time. Cupcakes, booze, dancing, beach weather. It was awesome

After the wedding we did a little dancing at a after party club with the bride and her new husband following that we went to bed in the hotel room and I woke up to Sunday my last full day in Florida.

We drove around ate food, explored the beach and went back to Kim's parents house to really get to know and meet them. Her mother made such a delicious vegetarian dinner for us. Kim and I left her parent's house and drove to another beach and laid out to look at the stars at night. It was a truly amazing time. We came back, slept at her parents, woke up! Dropped her at the Tampa airport, they dropped me at the Greyhound next and I took the 24 hour bus ride back and came back to see my lovely girlfriend in my hometown again the next day.

It was honestly such a incredible experience and I had a amazing time and can't wait for more future events like this.

This trip has just added on to the many places my amazing girlfriend and I have been. (NY, Philly, DC, Tampa, Havre De Grace, St. Pete, etc.) :)


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